Thursday, April 11, 2024

Gimli's Lament

Yes, I am an imposing person.

Not, unfortunately, Dwayne-Johnson-imposing.

With a height of 68 inches and a shoulder span of 28 inches, I look a lot more like Gimli

Athletics always were my thing,
a kind of comforting home port,
and I had a lot to bring
to most every contact sport
with its grunting and its sweat,
anxious doctor standing by,
but I say in truth I've yet
to see dudes messed up to die.
We all did this for its sake
'cause dames did not stand by to see
faces mashed, hear femurs break;
at the beach they'd rather be,
but when you're wide as you are tall
you just don't do beach volleyball.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is LIMIT.

Not feeling too well this morning, do may I offer a haiku?

Limitless skies of desert winter
surrender to warm haze
of spring.

Sylvia's short and wide too. She doesn't mind.


  1. I find humor in the post Andrew. After walking unkind, other peoples self-serving roads of importance, grey humor probably escapes many. 🤭 Barbara

  2. I'm no longer getting your blog posts to my email, for quite some time now; unsure as to why.

  3. true that. I grinned! :) FMF11

  4. May Sylvia teach you to be content short and wide, and eat ice cream. 😊Mary Hood

  5. and Spring asks for more ice-cream!
