Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Burden Of Forgiveness

 It's the hardest thing I've had to do,
the least appealing job to face,
to gird myself and stand next to
who wronged me and offer them grace
through forgiving in Your presence,
through a willingness to love,
not because that is my essence,
but I must choose to rise above
the hates that were all I could see,
that choking fetid dumpster fire,
for something that's transcended me,
for the dousing of the pyre
that its hot smoke may not affright
the purity of Heaven's light.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is BLAME.

I blame those whom I must forgive,
and hold them to a strict account
for making life harder to live,
for I'm called to the full amount
of seeing sin inside of me,
and knowing that I am no better
than those whose faults I clearly see,
whose brotherhood becomes a fetter
to make be stand up by their side
in the palace of the King.
I really would prefer to hide
and let God do His thing,
but I have to be prepared
for a judgement that is shared.

Four minutes and YUCK! I hated to write that.

Music from the Traveling Wilburys, with Handle With Care

Sylvia's forgiveness requires ice cream.


  1. Giving forgiveness is one of the most powerful acts we can ever choose to give to another person, Andrew.

    1. Lisa, you're so right...and that power can only be channeled through us, from God.

  2. Forgiveness brings health. So glad Jesus helps us!

  3. forgiveness can be very hard sometimes to truly offer. To mean it when you offer it. Sometimes it's easier to let forgiveness come slowly isn't it? FMF14 But sometimes... we don't have the choice, we must forgive immediately so that we can move along properly.

  4. Beautiful in your honesty. Grace and forgiveness isn't easy, so boy I'm glad for God's help!

  5. Honesty can be painful. Thank you for being honest.

  6. It's hard to be transparent and vulnerable sometimes. It is for me especially when Jesus tugs at me to be so in my writing. Thank you for your transparency and vulnerability my friend.FMF#15

  7. Words we write sooner or later become the greatest convictions for we ultimately know we cannot live up to our own words. Thank God He lives up to His. Beautiful Andrew. Prayers continue. Mary Hood

  8. Wonderful acceptance of Gethsemane-difficult truths. Bless you.
