Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Don't Be Yourself (Tell His Story)

I once set out to find myself, but I wasn't there.

Good thing, too.

Don't let yourself define you
(I can hardly make this clearer!).
You have just got to see through
that image in the mirror,
for it's a most worldly thing,
a creature of a grasping greed,
obsessed with status and with bling,
and bowing to the septic need
to stand apart from God the Maker,
a clay idol on its own
for whom time will be undertaker
before the beast is fully grown,
so look on through the looking glass
to the place where saints and angels pass.

Music from The Killers, with Human

They're maybe the most British band that isn't British.

Sylvia doesn't need to know herself as long as there's ice cream.

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  1. We do tend to get too stuck on the wrong things about our identity. Who we are often isn't what we think. May we all continue to grow into our best selves as we were made to be.

    I'm like Sylvia except with chocolate instead of ice cream. :)

  2. If we know ourselves through His eyes/nature, then we'll have the right perspective. We are a "chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that we may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light; for we once were not a people, but now we are the people of God; we had not received mercy, but now we have received mercy." ~1 Peter 2:9-10 NASB

  3. Yesterday I saw a great bumper sticker:
    “Be yourself—unless you can be a pirate! Then be a pirate!”

  4. "Don't let yourself define you" Wise words!

  5. Thankful that we are defined by our Savior, not our often deceived selves ...

  6. I'm so thankful that my identity is found in Jesus. I don't have to find myself because I am "hidden with Christ in God" as are all His dear children. Thank you, Andrew, for your insightful poem that brings great encouragement! Blessings to you and Barb!
