Thursday, April 6, 2023

Thy Will

Please, God, let this cup pass from me,
c'mon, let's find another way!
There's got to be a path You see
to let me 'scape that fatal day.
I really do enjoy My time
walking 'round this dusty place.
Would it really be a crime
to extend a little grace
so I can ride back out again,
leave behind this sense of doom,
leave behind the coming pain,
the drama of the Upper Room,
and with my buds have some more fun?
But, yeah, OK, Thy will be done.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is OWN. Can I own it?

Just how did the Lord God own
that His Son would have to die
on the Cross, feeling alone
without a chance to say Goodbye?
What could have been worth so much
for that awful sacrifice?
What on Earth had moved Him such
that He turned His heart to ice?
Do you know it, can you speak
to the reason for Christ's death?
Or are you afraid to seek
the answer; it may steal your breath?
But we must face it, for it's true:
the Cross bore Christ for me and you.

Three minutes and just under fifty seconds.

Music from Jesus Christ Superstar (opening in a new window), Could We Start Again, Please?

 Sylvia understands.



  1. Both these sonnets are beautiful, Andrew! Wonderful reflections on what Jesus did for us and how much it cost him. Praying that you know peace and hope in him this Easter.

    1. Lesley, thank you so much; He was truly here for Easter, and always.

  2. It is amazing to think on God turning His back on Christ. And yet ... He does not turn His back on us. May you and Barb have a blessed Easter as He fills with the hope we have in Him!

    1. Joanne, it is stunning when you really think about it, God turning away from Christ so He would not have to turn away from us.

      We had a wonderful Easter; hope you did, too!

  3. My post is a repeat, but I couldn't help myself. I had to repost the Troubadour's Song. Happy Easter.

  4. We have so much to be thankful for, Andrew! He took our sin and sorrow. And now He walks this journey of life with us - through all its ups and downs, joys and pains, triumphs and disappointments, etc. May you and Barb have a grace-filled Easter.

    1. Lisa, indeed, He is a gift, bought at unimaginable cost.

      Our Easter was lovely. Hope yours was as well.

  5. Two pieces today, and in under five minutes too. I like them both! Having fun and why we can stand in God's grace. It's good to remember both. Happy Easter!

    1. Suzette, thank you so much for this affirmation! We hope you had a great Easter!

  6. I shared both these poems with my daughter who is struggling with faith. Where would we be if not for God's plan and resurrection? God bless you Andrew! Joyful Easter!!! It's way deeper than happy.

    1. Mary, I'm so honoured that you shared these! And yes, Easter goes far beyond mere happiness.

      Hope yours was indeed joyous!

  7. Thank you for blessing me again with your poems. He is Risen!

  8. Both such beautiful poems reflecting on just how big Jesus' sacrifice was and how far he would go to save us. I pray you had a blessed Resurrection weekend! Sorry it took me until Monday to read the Friday posts!

    1. Kym, thank you! I'm always blown away by the magnitude of what He did, as well. Hope you and yours had a wonderful Easter!

  9. Andrew, beautiful words today, and for me profoundly impactful. May we never tire of the most beautiful story ever told, the Resurrection Story. Love that song from Jesus Christ Superstar, by the way...

    1. Donna, I am so glad you found something of value here, and delighted that you enjoyed the musical selection.
