Thursday, April 13, 2023

High Times

Things are really kind of rough, which is why I'm writing this in the middle of the night while listening to Joyce Meyer. Pain and nausea just preclude sleep.

Yes, medical marijuana had been suggested, is legal in my state (so is 'recreational' marijuana), and no, I don't use it.

Why not?

Read on...

Bigfoot arrived at the ball,
wearing a tuxedo,
and there he leaned against the wall,
smoking a torpedo.
Someone told him Cheech and Chong
described the best life to be had,
but it wasn't very long
'fore he got the munchies, really bad.
First the hors d'oeuvres disappeared,
and it wasn't that much later
(just as everyone had feared)
that he tried to eat the waiter,
and thus is learned the reason why
you don't get a mythic creature high.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is REALIZE.

Or maybe REAL EYES?


I once knew a stoner dude
who really should never have used,
because his once-sharp attitude
came to be dazed and confused.
He once forgot where he had left
his vital backpack and his bike,
and new-bought gear he had to heft
on his lengthy get-home hike,
only to find said Missing Schwinn
still parked in his living room,
and backpack (with all kept within)
resting in the shadowed gloom
of the closet, dark and cool
of a weed-besotted fool.

Three minutes for a true story, and this was a friend worth having.

Music from Brewer And Shipley (opening in a new tab) with One Toke Over The Line.

Sylvia's high is McDonald's ice cream. Mine, too.


  1. Not really sure how to respond to that Andrew! But always blessed by your honesty and shares!

    1. Fiona, thanks! Just wanted to have a bit of fun this week.

  2. I like this, Andrew, "REALIZE or maybe REAL EYES." That's actually a profound insight that is in plain sight yet hidden until you pointed it out. Thanks!

  3. I like that you mentioned the "real eyes" because it's so true! Praying that you find relief from the pain and nausea, and amazed that you are able to write with such humor and wit when you're in discomfort. Your honesty is always refreshing.

    1. Kym, thank you so much for your prayers. The weekend was brutal, this morning is worse, but I am dusting off a dream.

      Won't get there, but I will die trying.

  4. Real Eyes-- title tells it all. Fun to read

    1. Rhonda, I am delighted that you enjoyed this!

  5. I pray often. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ Great tie in!!

    1. Prayers are really appreciated. The weekend truly sucked.

  6. That first sonnet about Big Foot made me laugh. Actually, the other one did too, and I loved the song as well. I don't know how you manage to maintain your humor even when you feel so crappy. Praying for the Lord's mercy and grace, and that He would grant you relief from the nausea and pain.

    1. Grams, here's the hurts, I'm dying slow, but so many other people have it so much worse.

      If I don't laugh, I dishonour them. Not acceptable.

  7. Thanks for the song! Haven't heard that one in a long, long time. Me, class of 71. Love the two poems. Vision continually improves with Jesus!! Hey, my daughter recently (Easter Sunday) received Christ. The next day she was witnessing. WooHoo!!! She has real eyes now!!! Surreal!!!

    1. Mary, what WONDERFUL news about your daughter!!!!!

      Thank you for sharing this!

  8. Loved both your poems and the contrast between realize and real eyes. I won't soon forget that! Praying your pain leaves.

    1. Jerralea, I'm so glad you enjoyed this, and so grateful for your prayers!

  9. Good to be back. I've missed your column. Glad you're still at it. I've had a little misfortune but hey, it's small compared to what you face daily. Good to be here. Take care, my friend.

    1. My dear Norma, I am DELIGHTED to see you here, and so sorry for your misfortune. You're in my prayers.

  10. By the way, I’m Norma . Forgot to put that in.

  11. Yes, recreational weed is addictive.
    As a therapist at a Rehab I saw too many lives forever changed by this addiction, often leading to harder substances, many with irreversible brain damage.

    Medical marijuana here in Australia is only available to particular patients, many terminally ill, & only in oil form by prescription from a physician. As it's not legalised here.
    Pain & nausea isn't pleasant Andrew. πŸ˜•

    1. Jennifer, I have seen the addictive nature of weed, too, and how it is so often a precursor leading to worse things.

      I don't do opioids, either. Same reason. Pain and nausea are bad, but one gets used to them.

  12. Oh Andrew, I'm sorry it's so rough at the moment. My girl went through that for years (not cancer, gastroparesis) and she's still not great. Hard to go through, hard to watch. I don't know if it helps, but we have found taking communion therapeutic in profound and mysterious ways, when we have any kind of extreme pain or dis-ease, especially when there is nothing else we can do. We don't have to understand it, just apply what He did on the cross. Praying for ease and joy in the midst of your suffering.

    1. Kath, we'll keep your daughter in our prayers.

      You, too. Seeing Barb, I know it's harder to watch, helplessly, than to experience.

      And you said it perfectly, that we have to apply what He did on the Cross. Not easy, but necessary.

  13. Awww, Andrew. I am truly sorry things have been so bad. As for marijuana, I could tell you stories . . . Your poems both held smiles for me. It's crazy stuff and really sad the damage the weed can do I'm praying for you, my friend.

    1. Jeanne, thank you so much for this, and most especially for your prayers.

      Yeah, weed. Completely undercuts what makes life worthwhile.
