Thursday, February 9, 2023

It's OK To Be Scared


"Faith and fear can't coexist." - Jesus sweated blood, and still accepted God's will.

"No true Christian fears death." - see the 'sweating blood' thing above...if He was just perturbed about the process and could see to the other side, I kind of don't think Jesus would have been that bummed out.

"Fear ends where faith begins." - not really; fear is the storm-tossed sea, and faith is the life preserver. The storm's not gone; it can be survived.

I do not see how one could face cancer without faith informed by fear, and without fear mitigated...not subdued or faith.

Fear makes me reach out to God.

For me, the need for a constant conversation with God is simply not negotiable. ("Hang on, it's Andrew. Again. (Big sigh)"

The prognosis seems real grim,
and death may take a painful while,
but if you lift your eyes to Him,
there's still sufficient time to smile.
Maybe, yeah, your upraised eyes
are filled with stinging tears,
and then He says, to your surprise,
"Banish not your fears,
for they are now the very things
that brought Me to your side.
They shine as dew on golden wings,
and there's no need to hide
from the terrifying harms,
for you are safe here in My arms."

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is ACCESS. Hmmm.

If you won't access your fears,
then your courage is a fraud,
the kind bucked up by lots of beers,
and so very far from God.
You have to face and understand
the terror that chokes out your soul,
for only then can trembling hand
be taken, you by Grace made whole.
Look quite carefully at this,
don't think that fear must never be,
for if you do then you will miss
the lesson of Gethsemane,
by which the Christ, though filled with dread,
chose not to flee, obeyed instead.

Four minutes and a bit.

Music from For King And Country, with Shoulders.

Sylvia likes the song. She's got big shoulders.

 In the absence of music (Blogger won't let me link a video on my phone), here are a couple of things pictures of Sylvia, my blog's public face, on an ice-cream run.


  1. Great post, Andrew! =-D
    Find my post here:

    1. Thank you so much, and delighted that you and Paul ride!

  2. I love the direction you went with this.

    "If you won't access your fears,
    then your courage is a fraud,
    the kind bucked up by lots of beers,and so very far from God."

    Yes & Amen

    FMF #5

    1. Barb, I'm delighted that this spoke to you. I was a bit reluctant to post it, wondering if the "if you're really a Christian you're fearless" bit puts me in the shade.

      But I didn't have the energy to write anything else.

  3. Friend, I have no words. I have now listened to "Shoulders" several times now (it's still playing even as I respond to this post). The tears are rolling. You have blessed me in ways I could never share. I am so grateful we have access to our God who hears each one of us, sees our tears, and comes alongside of us. May He come alongside of you and Barb today and give you both all that you need! May God bless you deeply today!

    1. Joanne, thank you so much for sharing your feelings. 'Shoulders' has the same effect on me. I'm just so grateful for a gracious God, and for friends like you who reflect His love.

  4. Thank you for sharing as always. Deirdre FMF #7

    1. Deirdre, thank YOU! Loved your post, but my phone still refuses to load the app so I can comment.

  5. I'm thankful our fears do not threaten Him, Andrew. He is so gentle and kind, yet strong - He can carry us through every storm or trial to the other side. I appreciate Amy Carmichael, Elisabeth Elliot, and Darlene Deibler Rose's writings on Jesus being with us through suffering.

    1. Lisa, I LOVE how you phrased this, that our fears do not threaten Him!

  6. Thank you, brother Andrew, for pointing your readers to the cross in your beautifully written reminder of the truth about fear. "Shoulders" aptly painted a picture in my heart and mind. Thank you, again.
    Cindie @ FMF #12

  7. we need to face up to our fears don't we? It's a good way to grow in our relationship with God. FMF13

    1. Annette, you're so right...we do have to face our fears, and God is waiting at the end of that road.

  8. Andrew, why is it, the people who you most relate to are never the ones within an arms length. Yes, fear motivates me to reach out to God. And another thing about Gethsemane....if I may....and yes, my conversations are non-stop. Heaven is filled with my prayers for you.

    If Only

    If they had only prayed with Him one hour
    Nothing would have changed the Father’s plan
    He still would feel the stripes upon His back
    And tremble with each nail that pierced His hands

    Who sees further than a sleepless night
    There are things to do and times to keep
    Not an hour could stop Him from His task
    Not even blind disciples who were weak

    What if I should put aside one hour
    For someone who is hurting and alone
    No, I may not ever see a difference in your life
    Until the day I reach my heavenly home

    What if I should pray to Him one hour
    Is that too long for one who did not quit
    If all remains the same is one hour worth the risk
    To miss living in a heavenly home

    1. Mary, this is just lovely. Thank you so much for it, and for your prayers.

  9. You are a gift - so thankful for you!

    1. Allie, your gracious words are a gentle balm on a really hard morning.

  10. Amen to "fear makes me reach out to God."
    ❤️"fear is the storm-tossed sea, and faith is the life preserver. The storm's not gone; it can be survived."

    1. Grams, I am delighted that my words found a place in your heart!

  11. Oh, Andrew! This post brought tears to my eyes. I'm definitely going to share it with my husband.

    1. Mary, thank you so much for this lovely affirmation.

  12. I definitely agree that faith and fear can exist together That's certainly been my experience for most of my life. I think faith is about what we do with our fear.

    1. Lesley, terrific, that faith is what we do with our fear.

  13. Kym, thank you so much for this. God indeed has us!

  14. I do agree with you about fear, Andrew. If we were not to fear, what good would courage be? We are told to be strong and courageous over and over by a God who knows that we do become fearful and sad, but with His hand in ours we can get through it together. #28

  15. Wow Andrew, I almost have no words. I can see myself within your words. You are speaking directly to me here my friend. This is so encouraging and I really needed to hear this today.
    Visiting today from #TellHisStory.
    Ps: Bookmarking.
