Thursday, February 16, 2023

Good Morning!

 In the dark before the dawn
as the world rests from its sins,
something turns the switches on
and The Car Alarm begins.
It starts out with a high-pitched "Yeeee!";
Cocoa's always on it first.
Then Latte joins in, in high G,
enough to make God's eardrums burst.
They rush to wake up all the crew;
Henry rumbles, low and deep,
"Don't know what YOU want to do,
but as for me, I'd rather sleep."
And then yawning, shakes his head,
and joins the whirling dance instead.

Did you know that the human eye can detect a candle flame from 1.6 miles away on a clear, dark night?

Coping with cancer is like this a week that's been worse than ever, regarding just flat-out pain and fatigue, I lean into the small bright things.

Like Chihuahuas before the dawn.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is MANY.

Two Chihuahuas in the place 
running through the open door
barking a glad hymn of grace
leave me wanting much more.
Chi's are like potato chips,
you can't have just one or two,
and notwithstanding little nips,
there are more waiting for you
that will very soon arrive
to take places in the pack.
The big dogs have now learned to thrive,
and there is no looking back
to the cooler days long prior
to when they brought Chihuahua Fire.

Just under four minutes.

Music from Vanity Fare, with Early In The Morning.

Sylvia would rather sleep in, and dream of ice cream.


  1. Haha Andrew! Have never seen the attraction of Chihuahuas but hadn't realized how musical they are. :)

    1. Fiona, neither did we see Chihuahuas' attraction...Barb loves Rottweilers, and I have a soft spot for Pit Bulls... but now we can't imagine life without them.

  2. I love the picture of the chihuahuas - and great poems too as always!

  3. Who knew your dogs could sing hymns!!!! But of course, yours would :) Amazing all the lessons they continue to bring!

    1. Joanne, I have a little ditty about the Chihuahuas..

      Chim chimney, Chim chimney, chim chim Chihuahua,
      they watch TD Jakes and they watch Creflo Dollar,
      Chim chimney, chim chimney, chim chim Chim Chi,
      they're learning about Christianity!

  4. Our Yorkie is poorly and his joyful morning'Yap' has become a stuttering snort, but the pills are beginning to work and his ears still meet above his head when there is something that excites him. I think he would enjoy your chihuahua's!

    1. Tish, how I wish they your Yorkie could meet our Boys!

  5. Sorry to hear that you've had a bad week. Will continue to pray for you and Barb both.
    Great poems, as always, inspired.
    Just stopped by from FMF #12

    1. Heather, thank you. It's been, and continues to be, a physically dreadful week, but no complaints.

      God is here.

  6. No, I did not know that we can see a candle flame 1.6 miles away! Fascinating!

    1. Lauri, I found that 2.6 mile range for a candle flame remarkable, and hopeful, as well.

  7. These are both delightful! How many dogs do you have? I love the info about the candle flame. Yes, sometimes we need to look beyond the dark and see the light. Prayers for you. So sorry your week was so hard. I pray for some relieve this week. But look at the wonderful words of encouragement God gives to others through you! You bring life to many.

    1. Mary, one of the side effects of many high fevers is that when I try to count the dogs, I get a different number each time, so I will just say, lots.

      Thank you so much for the prayers, and the loving affirmation. They mean the world to me.

  8. I'm sad to hear it has been a difficult week of pain and fatigue, Andrew. Praying the Lord would continue to give you and Barb grace and wisdom as you walk this pathway. And may You know His Presence and His peace and His love in the midst of...everything!

    1. Lisa, thank you for this; God is indeed here, and grace and blessings abound, with pain and fatigue perhaps a fertilizer?

  9. We had a singing dog once, called him the 'Hound of Music', though he only sang when he was hopelessly in love with the female dog, thankfully only a few times a year. He was part Foxy, part Chihuahua. Our Chi doesn't sing - I'll have to tell her to lift her game. I'm sorry it's been such a rough week for you though, Andrew. But I'm glad you found some joy and light, albeit small flickers. Visiting from FMF #16 this week.

    1. The Hound Of Music...Kath, I love it!

      Most of the dogs here love to sing, and always have a song leader. Now it's Reebok, a Ridgeback with four white paws, who organizes concerts at 4am.

      Hard week, yes. But I love my life.

  10. Love the chihuahua sonnets. I could just picture them, and it made me smile.

    1. Grams, thank you...and I am so glad I could give you a smile!

  11. I'm so glad to hear the joy you get from your dear wife and your animals. I had a memory of my youngest son as an infant, who loved to call them 'Chichywawas' in such a cute way, that they have been chichywawas ever since. :D

  12. Ah! So cute. It's amazing how these tiny dogs can occupy such a big place in your hearts!

    1. Corinne, we never thought we were small dog people.

      Boy, did we learn!

  13. Andrew, I loved these poems. During the lockdown, my sister and brother-in-law adopted two chihuahuas from the local pound. They are definitely a matched set, but their personalities are so unique. One is just plain needy, but she loves her "mama." And yes, there are love nips. She enjoys being petted, and she's definitely an introvert. The other one is possibly a mix, because she's a little bigger. She really loves crawling up in a lap and being petted. They're both a bit yappy, but also very lovable. I loved reading of the exuberance of your chi's. Praying for you and Barb, my friend.

    1. Jeanne, what a lovely story you shared... I could just picture the adopted Chi's!

      Our boys adapted very quickly to a rough-and-tumble life among the big dogs, and they rule with iron paws and the threat of ear-destroying yips. I wonder that they don't deafen themselves.

      Thank you so much for the prayers!

  14. Your love for your animals is such a beautiful thing, Andrew! And your gift of poetry is inspirational!

  15. Our St. Bernard used to sing with us! I love musical dogs!

  16. As the mom of a chiweenie (1/2 chihuahua, 1/2 dachshund), I thoroughly enjoyed this post!!
