Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Wolf Sleeps Tonight


Service Wolves are extra tough,
wandering those cold north woods,
but the service part is rough,
being full of duty-shoulds,
and Belle can really get wiped out,
treating me like not-bright pup,
but you will not see her pout,
even when head won't stay up.
In this case best to let her sleep
(she was perturbed, yes, by the flash)
if my fingers I would keep
(no severed digits in the trash!).
She'll be fine again quite soon,
but now I need to give her room.

Here's a live performance from The Tokens, with The Lion Sleeps Tonight.

It should open in a new window.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is FAKE. Interesting, because the thing I was originally going to post was quite serious. It didn't seem 'me'; it felt, well, fake.

I'm really not a serious person, about my own life, or anything. So writing a serious post felt like being way out of my league.

But Barb and our friend Carol really liked it, and Barb tonight prevailed upon me not to abandon the thing.

So, if you're interested, click here and it'll open in a new link.

Sylvia will always wake for ice cream.


  1. Is there any room on the bed for her fellow human? I think this is a pure sign of a takeover, Andrew!

    1. Lisa, she leaves a LITTLE room. Just enough to let me know who's boss.

  2. Both are nicely written Andrew FMF2! (I actually made it early this week) your pup works hard, and some pups start too early don't they?

    1. Thanks, Annette! Yes, some pups do indeed start too early. The Car Alarm (aka the Chihuahua Brothers) typically goes off at 5am.

  3. Belle is just beautiful! And she truly does look tired, and seems to be enjoying her spot on the bed. I almost wrote "her bed" even though I realize it IS your bed. But I am thinking possession is 9/10ths of the law which would make it her bed :)

    1. Joanne, Belle says thank you! It really is her bed. I get to sleep there sometimes. If I behave.

  4. It looks like Belle has earned a bit of a rest, but hopefully she'll shove over and let you take a break too!

    1. Kym, Belle does indeed slide over to give me room. Barely.

  5. Love these pictures going to click on your link

  6. The dog is beautiful. :) FMF #3.

    1. Deirdre thank you so much! I would love to be able to comment on your posts but can't install the app!

  7. Such a beautiful pup! Luna cat is passed out at my feet at the moment. Our pets are such gifts to us.

    1. Pets are indeed gifts, and Luna is a great cat-name!

  8. I love the dog. I love the poem. I listened to the Tokens and I wondered if they were lip-sinking. A lot of performers do, I hear, which screams "fake", but I imagine it is a very difficult thing to do. I would love to try it.

    1. Mary, I'm so glad you enjoyed Belle and the sonnets.

      I think they maybe are lip-synching, but that's a real skill!

  9. I did click on the link and really liked the poem as well as the song on that page about Pooh Corner. There was something poignant about both.

    1. P.S. Like Mary, I too wondered if the Tokens were lip synching.

    2. Grams, thank you so much for this; so glad you found something of value here.

      And yeah, I think they are lip-synching!

  10. It’s pretty clear who rules the roost here!😉

    1. Oops, hit publish too soon….And it’s good not to take life too seriously either.

  11. Andrew, loved this. That Belle lives up to her name: she's beautiful. And I guess you need someone to keep you in line. ;) I'm so glad you and Barb have her! Praying for you, my friend.
