Thursday, July 29, 2021

Miracles and Setbacks

 You think that having experienced a healing miracle, you're golden.

But that's not, and can never be, the case. Even Lazarus had to die.

I survived a sustained fever of 107 with the pre-existing conditions of pancreatic cancer and non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and that is miracle enough in itself.

But I wondered...might the cancers have been burned out, too?

For a few days I felt so good, I thought maybe they had.

But now, some of the old symptoms are resurfacing. I'd say it's discouraging, but that seems a bit ungrateful for the miracle I received.

I did receive a miracle, and if its purpose was to return me, alive and in good spirits, to the dire straits of cancer, it's still a miracle, and good enough for me.

I managed to answer the comments from last week's post, and will try to do the same this week...and I was able to visit some of you. Not easy, but y'all are worth it, and I do get lonely.

I thought that past mirac'lous cure,
my trials would surely see their end,
and all that I must now endure
was a body on the mend,
but it does not work this way,
not here, not in mortality,
and malignancies of yesterday
may be yet bound up in me.
I know that Lazarus came forth,
but in the end, he had to die
as all must do who walk the earth,
eyes turned unto the arching sky
in faith of the Elysian plain
where no cancer dare remain.

having used the term 'dire straits' above, what can be more appropriate than to offer Dire Straits, with their iconic Walk Of Life? (Please click here if the video doesn't come up on your device.)

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. 'Tis "dire straits" to live--and die--without the Lord God. Your poetic words tell us how to live--and die--the right way.

  2. Shirlee, you're so right...and thank you so much!

  3. It's been awhile since I've been here, but it's good to see you Andrew! Can't wait for those heavenly bodies- whew so glad we don't have to live in this painful world forever. Thanks for keeping up with your writing as you can.

    1. Good to see you, too Amy! And I agree...the Forever Body will be great!

  4. Hey, live with those miracle breaks! they give courage to face the future yes? FMF4

    1. Annette, the miracle breaks do give courage...and strength...and faith!

  5. As someone living with several chronic illnesses, I think sometimes those little peace breaks from God between suffering allow us to endure and run our good race for Him. Continued prayers for You and Barb. Blessings my friend.

    1. Paula, you're so right, and I love the way you said it 'peace breaks'. Thank you so much for the prayers, and blessings back!

  6. Andrew, those breaks are designed with purpose - to yet drive you to continue on, to share your words, to shine a light, to show us all we are to live, and die, with our eyes on Christ. Still praying for both you and Barb!

    1. Joanne, I think you're right, because, more than ever, I want to share the love I have found in the midst of the worst.

      We thank you so much for your prayers!

  7. I have been thinking of miracles in recent weeks, Andrew. God seems to be inviting me to notice the miracles all around me, in the everyday moments. Certainly you are a miracle for me, not only for your resiliency in faith and life, but also for your insights. Thank you. Karen (FMF #9)

    1. Karen, I am so honoured by your words...thank you for this.

  8. Just amazing. Your life still impacts those who read your posts. It is a miracle that you survived the fever and every assault on your body. So, let's talk about something else. I'd like to encourage you in some way. Yesterday I spent some time reading your book, Blessed are the Pure of Heart, to see your format for voice etc. (I'm having some trouble with that area in a novel I'm writing.) I enjoyed picking it up again and rereading parts and the message of hope it engenders. Hope is what you offer. God offers hope through you. Smile, God loves you. Take care, Andrew.

    1. Oh, my dear Norma, thank you for this! I'm so glad you could pick up BPH again, and find the hope with which I wrote it!

      Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

  9. Andrew, We are in a body of death and we just have to face it, over and over and over again. Love the song and the film clips with it. Miracles happen, yes they do!!! And they don't last but a moment. Praying for you every day!!!! Your life is such motivation for others!

    1. Mary, you're so right...we just have to face the worst, time and again.

      I'm so glad you liked the song and video, and so grateful for your prayers!

  10. Your whole life has been a miracle, and an amazing testimony which the Lord has been using you to encourage others and give them hope. I wish He would have granted you a much longer reprieve before the symptoms started resurfacing again though. Continuing to pray for you and Barb.

    1. grams, thank you so much for this. A longer reprieve would have been nice, but really, I've experienced the miracle. I'm OK with what's happening.

      We thank you so much for your prayers!

  11. (((((Andrew)))))

    Annie in Texas

    1. ((((((Annie!))))))

      Thank you so much for being here. You make my heart feel light.

  12. Gosh, I haven't listened to Dire Straits for a very long time! I admire your ability to write the poetry prose you do! I've a daily question to ask myself: What are the miracles I saw today? Miracle "purpose was to return me, alive and in good spirits..." Just love that. Thank you.

  13. Andrew, your words resonate with hope. I'm so glad God gave you a reprieve. I continue to pray for you and Barb. And thanks for sharing the Dire Straits song! I've not heard it in years. I guess I know what'll be going through my head tonight. ;)

    1. Jeanne, thank you so much for this. I'm glad for the reprieve, too!

      And I'm delighted you enjoyed the song and video!
