Thursday, July 22, 2021

I Got My Life Back, And Now What?

 It's the cry of everyone besieged by circumstance or illness..."I want my life back!"

And now, having survived a sustained fever of 107 with cancer as a pre-existing condition, something that should have killed me...I have my life back.

What should I do with it?

God has an answer, for now. (Yes, I talk with God these days. He's a good conversationalist.)

Anyway, here's God's suggestion as to what I should do with my life:

"Right now, nothing. This is your time to heal. You're a skeleton, and you have to let Me grow purpose on your bones. I am not in any rush, so enjoy this time, and I will enjoy it with you."

So that's what I'll do. I will continue to write blog posts, though answering comments is still beyond me (I can only sit up for a little while each day, still); Barb reads them to me, and I truly appreciate your friendship and love.

I'll try to at least visit your posts through the week, and say Hi. Please bear with me?

I wrote this sonnet for fun, just before I got sick. I hope you like it. I made up the term 'frogularity', and Barb thought it too good to lose.

The Land of Frogularity
where goats serve tiramisu,
and there's no need for charity,
for all know what to do
to care for fellow critters,
high-five or belly-rub,
then have five pints of bitters
quite nightly, in the pub.
We race our ancient roadsters
until the bonnet's hot,
then use the steel as toasters
and warm the cooking pot
upon the steaming engine-head
that we may have soup with our bread.


  1. Wow, Andrew, this is an awesome testimony. It makes my heart happy.
    Continuing to pray for you and Barb.
    Love the sonnet.

    1. Grams, I'm going to have a go at slowly replying to comments...I'm enough better to try.

      Thank you so much for this...and I'm so glad for your happy heart!

  2. Andrew... I keep thinking that one day Satan is just gonna give up facing your determination (oneriness?) for Life. I hope so. I would love to laugh in his face with you. :) In the meantime, I will keep praying, and feeding off of your God-fed spirit. (Gentle) hugs. :)

    1. Jane, thank you so much for this lovely and fun affirmation, and especially for your prayers!

  3. Andrew, you take care of yourself and know that your blogging friends are all here for you. Praying for you and Barb - may God continue to be with you both, conversing with you, whispering His words into your heart and mind, and bringing strength. Blessings to both of you!

    1. Joanne, thank you for this, and for your prayers. Healing is really the big job now...and it IS a big job, and sometimes it hurts.

  4. Hi Andrew,
    This is Terri. I have been following you for quite some time on FMF. How can we pray for you Andrew? What is your diagnosis? What does the doctor say? Of course, your future is in God’s hands no matter what the doctor says.

    While you suffered through all of 2020 I suffered too. I had breast cancer. I had to have a double mastectomy, 6 months of chemo and 6 more months of treatment after that. It was a nightmare. Now I am cancer free but I am tired a lot. Please write a few lines about what the doctor says you have, what treatment you are having snd what the doctor says about your future.

    Are you saved Andrew? Have you repented of your sins and trusted in Jesus? Some day, when you die, do you know for sure that you will go to heaven? I hope so. My sons name is Andrew. It is a good name. Andrew led his brother Peter to Jesus. I want to know what you need and how I can pray for you.

    #5 FMF

    1. Terri, the prayer I would ask for is for faith (and strength from God) to meet each day.

      I'm so sorry about the breast cancer; delighted that you're cancer-free, but I sympathize with the fatigue.

      I have pancreatic cancer and non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and the doctors have given up except for palliative care for pain, which I won't do (and can't afford). I've been down the pain management road, and it was hell.

      What caused the sustain fever of 107 we don't know; Barb and I agreed that I should ride it out at home, and accept what came, though recovery was unexpected.

      And yes, I am saved. And SO glad of it!

  5. Andrew, so glad to hear that you are keeping on. Continue to rest in Him as you recover from that fever. Keeping you and Barb in my prayers that God will continue using you in whatever way He sees fit.

    1. Duane, thank you so much for these kid, supportive words, and especially for your prayers.

  6. I love the sonnet, lots of imagery. An the note to rest and heal is a powerful message. Thanks, Rhonda

    1. Rhonda, I'm so glad you liked 'Frogularity'

      Thanks so much for being here.

  7. good news... enjoyed your sonnet too! :)

    1. It is good news indeed, Annette, and I am so glad you liked the sonnet!

  8. So happy for you Andrew!! Love the sonnet and will continue to pray!! :). Deirdre FMF #19

    1. Deirdre, thank you so much...and I'm glad you enjoyed the sonnet!

  9. I love the positivity in your voice and the thought of driving fast enough to cook dinner on the engine head sounds like fun to me. Thanks, Andrew.

    1. Suzette, that you so much for this affirmation, and I'm so glad you liked the poem!

  10. Times of healing are absolutely a part of life. Healing should following sickness - that is the natural order. Consider it an extended sabbath in your life. God can use you in this season the same way He could use you in a season of perfected health.

    Hang in there, and keep reminding Barb how lucky she is to be married to a man who is such "hot stuff" (I mean, come on, 107 is crazy hot!!!) Lol.


    1. Amie, that's a great thought, that healing is an extended sabbath. I really like it!

      And I will pass on your message to barb!

  11. You are an amazing writer, as well as a strong and faithful person. We are blessed every Friday! (Karen FMF #4)

    1. Karen, I an so honoured by your words. Thank you.

  12. Amen Andrew. Thank you for this blessed post. I am glad to hear you are letting God grow purpose in your bones. Enjoy your time with him indeed. Blessings. Continued prayers for you and Barb my friend. Blessings.

    1. Paula, thank you so much for this, and for your continued prayers.

  13. Glad you're feeling better, Andrew. Don't bother about visiting and commenting - your writing brings us enough of joy and inspiration. Warm regards and prayers to you and Barb from India.

    1. Corinne, from the bottom of my heart...thank you for this, and for your prayers.

  14. Andrew, your testimony just continues to get more powerful. What an inspiration you and Barb are to so many - incredible examples of faith and love! Continuing to pray for both of you.

    1. Julie, wow...we're just so blessed and honoured by your words! Thank you!

  15. Frogularity shall be my word of the week. Love you both.

    1. Paula, so glad to pass 'the word'! Love back.

  16. I feel as though I've bumped into Frog and Toad from The Wind in the Willows! Yeah - I love whimsy. Glad you are feeling better - I cannot imagine 107 degrees - just WOW!

    1. Frog and Toad were actually part of the inspiration!

      107 degrees...I can remember it vividly, but sure don't WANT to.

  17. Love the part of this post where you share what God has said to you. I love how He does that, and I love how you're listening. Makes me happy.

    1. Norma, when the healing process bega, God started talking to me, and He hasn't stopped. What's interesting is that He says the unexpected, things that go against my previously held beliefs and prejudices.

      It'll be the subject of an upcoming post.
