Thursday, April 15, 2021

Ripping The Temple Veil Pt. 2 (by Andrew)

 Last week we gave you a look at Barb's presentation on the ripping of the Temple Veil, that she offered on Good Friday at Belen Christian Church.

Here's my interpretation, in sonnet form...I'm too ill to give any kind of reflection or analysis, so it is what it is. Giving myself permission to maybe not push so hard, and permission is the Five Minute Friday prompt this week.

Somewhat like the Temple Veil,

my fabric's torn in two,

and it's making my heart quail

that I am seeing through

from temporal to what's beyond,

from body into soul,

from Palm Sunday's happy fronds

to transcendent now made whole.

To take the cup was not my choice,

but willingly, I drink,

for without dying there's no voice;

no pain, no need to think

'bout glory of the paradigm shift

when the curtain of my life was ripped.

If you'd like to see Barbara delivering the presentation featured in last week's post, visit the Youtube video below. She begins after the pastor's introduction at about 27:24, but the whole sermon's good if you'd care to take the time for it. (Please click here if the video doesn't appear on your device.)

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Replies
    1. Indeed it will be glory, Fiona. Thank you for this.

  2. Beautiful Andrew. Deirdre FMF#1

  3. Love this Andrew. Blessings.
    Visiting from FMF#12

    1. Blessings back, Paula. I'm so glad this spoke to you.

  4. A ripping I so wish never took place. xo

    1. Susan, I wish it hadn't happened, too...sort of. I don't know the future, but I do know I don't want to go back to the pre-cancer me.

      XOXOXOXOXO...and a couple of WOOFS! from the Canine Choir.

  5. Your sonnet is as wonderful and thought-provoking as ever, but I'm glad you are giving yourself permission not to push too hard.

    1. Lesley, giving myself permission to lay back was tough...but it was needed, and it gives, I hope, a bit more nuance to what I can still do.

  6. i found that an intriguing read.... makes me think a bit.

    1. Annette, thank you...your poems always make me think, and sometimes pace the room, talking to God about the new vista you've opened for my heart.

  7. ...bout glory of the paradigm shift. This line is at the core of Jesus' death on the cross. It's God's hand to man. Man's restoration freely given and man's choice to freely take. Lovel Sonnet, Thanks for sharing.

    1. Rhonda, you've got it just IS God's hand to man, restoration freely given in love, and our choice to return that Divine love.

  8. Thank you for sharing both this sonnet AND the video of Barb. Sending love and prayers.

    1. Paula, I'm so glad you lie the sonnet, and especially the video of Barb. I am SO PROUD of her!

      Love back, and thank you so much for the prayers.

  9. Andrew, I so appreciate your sonnet. And thank you so much for sharing the video of Barb. What a powerful presentation you two put together. I'm praying for you both, friend.

    1. Jeanne, I am so glad you like the sonnet...and even more so that you enjoyed seeing Barb...I am SO PROUD of her!!!!!

      And I really thank you for the prayers. Tough days.

  10. Will have to check out Barb's presentation, Andrew! Very cool that she got that opportunity! And, as usual, I love your insight into pain and suffering. Your first-hand experience with it has made you a very wise and inspiring man.

    I'm having a bit of first-hand experience with it too lately. Can't remember if I told you or not but had back surgery on the 4th. I'm still on the mend and have had something of a "bad day" today. But my pain meds are making me feel more like myself. Just don't want to get too use to them! Lol! Hugs and prayers!
