Thursday, July 2, 2020

Unicorn Rider

Janet Grant, of the Books and Such Literary Agency, this week published a post on authors' magical thinking, in which she described the hope that so many writers have of bypassing the usual gatekeepers and riding to success and adulation wearing a golden crown, upon a unicorn.

I can relate. There's a fresh new tumour in my navel, and it's issuing pus and blood, and it really, really hurts.

Plus, if I doze off and roll onto my back, I'll stop breathing, and Ladron and Belle, service dogs, with much barking and growling, have to push me onto my left side, so I can draw breath. Gonna have to try to sleep in a chair.

Life is frightening, and it's theatening.

Maybe going this alone, with no medical care, was the wrong decision. But the alternative, with no health insurance, would have been forcing Barb into penury for the rest of her life.

So, I need magic.

I need to think that there is another side to this. That there is a sunrise in this life that I will still see.

I need a unicorn to ride.

This may or may not be my last Five Minute Friday post. I have other things to do (like finishing Barb's racing hydroplane, which is a way of turning money and fossil fuel into speed, noise, and pollution, and we do not care), and to be honest, I have never enjoyed writing. Strains the brain, like, dude, ya know?

I'll come back and read your posts, but comments...not likely, because it's just too hard now.

It's been fun.

If you want to help, click on the links below and buy my books. They're not bad. Well, not really bad.

Santa rides a unicorn
everywhere that he may go,
and its shining curly horn
glows just like a bright rainbow.
Yes, the reindeer pull his sleigh,
but rest in the in-between,
and for travel everyday
Santa doesn't need a team.
He clip-clops across the sky;
are you good or bad? Be alert,
for he has a practised eye
though he's wearing an aloha shirt.
So know, my friend, he is aware
of the tack you placed on boss's chair.

Music from 30 Seconds To Mars, with From Yesterday.

Like the subject of the song, I don't want to write the message yet.

I do try to answer each comment in a timely fashion, but with Internet providers really stretched, I have only about half of the access I once did. Please bear with me!

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Andrew, when it's time you will fly. So sorry you have to bear this newest trial and tribulation. I still pray for you. You are a dear friend to me and to many who have followed you over the years. I don't want you to suffer anymore. God bless you. If appropriate . . . Go with God.

    1. My dear Norma, thank you so much...your friendship has been a sustaining treasure in my life, an honestly, I think I woul have gone long before, without your unswerving support.

      We will meet one day, when we are as golden clouds upon the wind. (I stole that line from the movie 'The Wind And The Lion', but I like it.)

  2. Ah, let's hear it for Ladron and Belle, your heros! You've been surrounded by faithful companions, humans and beasts, in person and online.

    Enjoy creating Barb's racing hydroplane, friend. Write when you want, visit if you'd like. No matter, I'm praying.

    A life well lived!

    1. Linda, truly, it's been fun. I'm so blessed by human and canine friends.

      I'll drop by when I can. Your writing is food for the soul. I may not be able to comment as I had, but I will let you know I am there.

  3. Dear Andrew, perhaps the time is drawing near. We are all so sorry for your suffering but know you are waiting on Him. As I've said before, it's so strange that I will miss you and we've never met in person. You are so loving, kind & encouraging. Praying for you & Barb.

    "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain"~~Phil 1:21

    Love in Him, Kathryn

    1. Kethryn, I'll miss you, too, and I'll be haunting the Pearly Gates and bugging St. Peter ("Uh, Pete? WHEN?") until you arrive.

      I'm not a hugger, but you'll get one heck of a handshake.

      Your friendship has meant more to me that I can say. I'll keep this platform going for as long as I can, in some way, but yeah, it's getting hard.

      Love in Him!

  4. I believe in Unicorns! Only just joined this writing community but have already been blessed with your sonnets! Will be praying for strenght and peace for you on your journey. ps I'm going to buy 'Emerald Isle'to enjoy some more of your writing - rest up with your buddies Ladron and Belle

    1. Sharon, I'm so glad to have met you here Five Minute Friday is a wonderfully warm and vibrant place, and I know you will enjoy being part of it.

      Thank you so much for the good wishes (from Ladron and Belle, too), and I truly hope you enjoy Emerald Isle

  5. Oh Andrew, I have only "known" you a few months, but your writing has blessed me so and you will not be forgotten here. You will be greatly missed, as you have made an impact each one of us who have read your written words. But as my own Daddy assured me as he was moving Home to Jesus, "it will only be a minute" and we will see you again, redeemed and in your glorified, whole body (and if you run into Ed Dyer there, give him a huge hug from his girl!).
    Praying for your Barb to be comforted with the comfort only God can give and praying for you to see His glorious face where there will be no more suffering.
    much love to you, dear brother, as you go move Home with peace and much joy!

    1. Mariel, it indeed will be only a minute...and I will take that minute to look for Ed, your Dad.

      Thank you so much for your prayers. meeting you in this place has been a blessing.

  6. Andrew, I hope this isn't goodbye, but I want you to know how much your words have blessed me. For someone who doesn't like writing, you are amazingly good at it, especially with your sonnets, and I always appreciate your humour too! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Praying for you and Barb!

    1. Lesley, thank you so much. I hope it's not goodbye either...I value this group so much! I'll do my best to hang around.

      We're so grateful for your words and prayers.

  7. Riding unicorns and building/racing hydroplanes sounds like enjoyment, rest and dreaming of "other" all rolled into one. If you get a chance and the energy, post a photo of the finished hydroplane. I'm sure we'd all like to see your work.

    1. Cathy, thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words! Yes, pictures will be posted, for sure.

  8. You've got me in tears over here. Praying for you. God bless.

    1. Amie, thank you so much. I'm glad we met, through this medium; your posts bring both strength and inspiration.

  9. Andrew, reading this brought tears to my eyes, but the last line of your sonnet made me chuckle. The image of that tack on the boss' chair (see what a twisted mind I have?).

    Seriously though, you and Barb are in my thoughts and prayers. Would love to see a picture of your finished racing hydroplane. I'm sure it will be awesome. Even though I've only "known" you for a few months, and been your grandma for even less than that, you've made a huge impact. I want you to know what a blessing you have been. For someone who doesn't like to write, you sure have a gift with words. When the time comes, God speed, Andrew, to your castle in the sky where there will be no more sorrow, no more pain, and you'll hear the words, "Well done my good and faithful servant."

    1. Grams, I am just so blessed to have met you, and that you are a part of my life. We're so grateful, too, for your prayers.

      As I write this, the 'no pain' part sounds really, really good. Especially ince I took one of the dogs out awhile ago, an got bitten by a big and nasty and, and my foot feels like I dropped a rock on it! Talk about adding insult to injury! :)

  10. If you have the strength please pass the tissues. Praying for you and Barb. Hoping to hear from you again but if I don't thanks for the encouragment although I don't even know you. God bless you and Barb.

    1. Loretta, it's been an honour. I'll hang in as long as I can.

      Your blog is special; you've given me clarity, hope and strength more often than I can say.

  11. (((((Andrew)))))

    How many times have I typed what I wonder might be my last comment to you before you complete your journey to Heaven? You continue to amaze and inspire us with your tenacity.

    Work until you are ready to rest. Rest until you are ready to go on, and then go in peace and confidence.

    Annie in Texas

    1. ((((((Annie!))))))

      I'm here, an WILL BE here for as long as the Good Lord gives me the strength.

      I'm glad you're here, too.

  12. I believe we all have a bit of that unicorn in us. Sending you prayers.

  13. oh Andrew... ride that unicorn!

  14. Andrew, you may never see this, and then again, you may. You may not post again, and then again, you may. What matters is you did! You gave whatever you had (and yes, writing is the hardest thing I do, but I do it, because i believe it's what I need to do) know that you made and make a difference and you will continue! If only one person, and yes, that is me, so yes you are a success. I heard someone ask, when was Emily Dickinson a success? Was it post-mortem? She wasn't published until 4 years after her death. No, she was a success when she was writing. When you do what you God has you do, you are a success in God's eyes.
    Andrew, thank you for doing and bring exactly what and who you are! Have peace my friend. I WILL see you one day, and we shall laugh!

    1. Mary, thank you so much for this lovely and loving encouragement. It is just what I need to read on this hardest of days...and I will keep going, to the extent I can, and beyond that, to the extent I must.

      We will meet, and laugh...and, if I may, I will ask you for a dance.

      I do a really snazzy Funky Chicken.

  15. In these past few weeks, I have been so very blessed by you. What a gift you are to all who read your words. Sending so much love and peace. And a unicorn.

    1. Karen, thank you. You've been a blessing to me, too, and have been in my daily prayers.

      D'you know, I think praying for others helps keep us going, when we'd otherwise give up? Do you agree?

  16. Andrew, my prayers continue for you and Barb. Although we’ve never met in person, we’ve met here on multiple occasions... crying, laughing, encouraging; living in the present with hope in the future. Thank you for sharing yourself here. Your sometimes raw, always honest, often humorous words have ministered to me and spurred me onward. May God’s peace rest upon you tonight, and may you and Barb enjoy building her hydroplane. What a pair you’ll be: her in a hydroplane, and you on a unicorn! Godspeed, brother. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

  17. Dear Andrew & Barb & friends of the blog, I just have to send you this link to a beautiful song, new to me. Lori Sealy, the vocalist, also wrote the song. Hope it will be a blessing to all!
    "Hold My Hand"

  18. I know that when we meet in heaven, you will be in your restored body and smiling, possibly on a Harley, maybe even a unicorn. Anything is possible in heaven. I hope that makes you smile. I pray for both you and Barb's comfort in the days ahead.

  19. I've only met you online very recently, but have enjoyed your writing and comments. Praying for you and believing that the unicorn will be a magical ride indeed!

  20. Before spinal fusion surgery in January, we bought a lazyboy rocker because I knew I'd need not just an easy place to land but an easy place to rise from - I highly recommend one for sleeping!!! I'd say I spend about 2-4 hours a night in comfortable rest! Praying for you and Barb!
