Thursday, July 9, 2020

Afternoons In Narnia {Five Minute Friday}


So very much worse since I was here last, with pain and other fell things running rampant. Perhaps I'll hit a plateau, lower than this, and can work on from there.

Perhaps not. It's a fear that turns my knees to water. Fear of what happens ere death comes.

I can still take care of the dogs, mostly, but days are now spent sitting at the door to Barb's's the only room with aircon, and with the door cracked there's a cool breeze.

Plus, it's three steps to the dunny.

Time spent with the dogs, and cold Diet Dr. Pepper allowed to go flat in the freezer.

And time spent with C.S. Lewis, in Narnia.

Days to be endured? well, yes, in part, but I believe that this is where I am now meant to be. (Endure is the Five Minute Friday writing prompt for this week.)

You can't always get what you want, but if you try, sometimes, you just might get what you need.

Cancer is not the end.

And the fight, while it last, is worth the fighting.

Long live Aslan, and the free Narnia of my heart.

But the nights...well, they're hallucinatory, and the sonnet below tells of what I described in the wee hours of this very morning, as Barb sat up with me.

I sought Barb to summon wife to me
upon her smart cell-phone,
for I truly took Barb (yes!) to be
Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones,
for we three must stand back to back,
and fearul watch must keep
against the fell and bold attack
of lethal flying sheep
who would plummet through the roof,
plunging from a coal-black sky,
crimson fangs to offer proof
of the worst of ways to die.
Came slow the morning, bright and cool,
and in the yard (gasp!) tufts of wool...

Here are the Stones and the Duke University Vesper Choir, with You Can't Always Get What You Want.

I do try to answer each comment in a timely fashion, but with Internet providers really stretched, I have only about half of the access I once did. Please bear with me!

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. It is true, Andrew's nights and sometimes days have hours of delirium. Pain, the tool of Lucifer, plays mind bending tricks to harm the sufferer and the care tender. There are occasions when all we can do is laugh in his face and the laughter comes from knowing it's all a trick and God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit have already won against Lucifer and he's running for the last souls he can thieve. But NOT these two, they already have a decisive home where one day even Lucifer will not see.

    1. Love this comment (and plase excuse the late reply)...'a decisive home where Lucifer will not see'. Perfect!

  2. I can't say I know where you are at right now Andrew, but God does. May he continue to hold you close through your pain.

    1. Annette, God does know, and He's here. Thank you for being here, too.

  3. 'you might just find you get what you need! Thank you for that. x

  4. Andrew, while I don't know personally what you are enduring, I have sat with those who have. It is true, for whatever reason the nights are the hardest. Praying for the Lord to give you, and Barb, ALL that you need to endure. Since I wrote my own post this morning, I have been humming the old hymn, "But Until Then" and had to go to youtube to listen to it. I've now listened to this one several times and will leave it here for you. May it bless and encourage you today! Praying for you and Barb.

    1. Joanne, after another rough 'un...yeah, nights are hardest.

      Thank you so much for the kind words, and the hymn!

  5. When I saw the FMF word for today, I immediately thought of you. I am surrounding you in loving prayers all day today. Thank you for writing again, dear Andrew. <3

    1. Karen, thank YOU. Your words are balm to my heart.

  6. May the Lord strengthen and encourage you as you endure this great trial with grace and patience. much love and peace to you, dear brother!

    1. Mariel, thank you so much for this loving and lovely prayer!

  7. I have not the slightest idea what you and B endure - I know one thing B is a hero in mine eyes - I will always be her friend, Andrew. For some reason I want you to know that. And, don't ever leave Five Minute Friday. The people who comment? THEY ARE YOUR TRUE SUPPORTERS. Don't worry about the rest. We all have history, brother.

    1. Susan, I have no words but THANK YOU, and please know that your friendship for both of us, and particularly for Barb, into the future, is a treasure.

  8. Sending you some turkish delight, friend. For Aslan!

  9. Poor Barb mistaking her for Keith Richards! Am I allowed to laugh. Glad to see you here. In your endurance you still lift everyone else's spirits. Still praying for you and Barb. Your fellow fmfer

    1. Loretta, abolutely, laugh! You're laughing with Barb; she found it hilarious.

      I'm so glad you're here!

  10. Oh Andrew, there are no words. I can't even start to imagine what you are going through, but I do know nights are always the worst. Surrounding you and Barb with prayer. Much love, Grams.

    1. Grams, thank you so much for the love, the prayers, and for being here. I'm beyonds words of gratitude, and love flows from my open heart.

  11. Andrew, although I've never met you in person, my heart hurts for you
    and Barb. I feel I've gotten to know you through your sonnets that have made me laugh and cry at the same time. I witnessed both parents waste away from cancer and I hate that disease. I pray that God will give you peace and comfort.

    1. Duane, thank you for this...I'm always so delighted to visit your blog, and value your friendship more than I can say.

      I'm so sorry you had to see your parents go through this sort of thing, and we so appreciate your prayers.

  12. You're right, Andrew, Cancer is not the end. I'm glad you are enjoying the dogs and good music. Thanks for the Stones video, I watched it with my son. Sending prayer to you, Barb, and the dogs.

    1. Suzette, thank you so much for these words...and I'm so glad you and your son enjoyed the video!

      We're so grateful for your prayers, all of us.

  13. "Courage, child, we are all between the paws of the true Aslan."
    God bless and keep you Andrew

    1. Between the paws of Aslan is a lovely place to be. Thank you for this!

  14. Andrew, I just finished reading the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to my kids for the first time. The debt of truth nearly knocked me over, even though I've read it before. Thank you for continuing to share you words and insights with us. Further up and Further in, my friend.

    1. Bethany, the first I knew of Narnia was having it read to me. I was in my thirties before I was old enough to unerstand.

      Please know that your blog posts truly blow me away, with honesty and faith. If I ever grow up, I want to be someone just like you.

  15. Look up Andrew. Between the stirring and the still, God sent a rainbow. (part of a poem I just wrote) So sorry for the nights, "Joy comes in the morning" Praying for you!

    1. Looking up, Mary, and so grateful for the prayers!

  16. Always praying for you and Barb. Oh how I wish we could share conversation together ovrt Dr Peppers.

    1. Tara, there's Dr. Pepper in Heaven...else, how could it be Heaven?

      I'm just so darned glad you are here. You mean so much to me.

  17. Hi Andrew, I want to say, no words, but the problem is, I want to write words. But the thoughts they be a struggle. How can I say what I've already said in a new and fresh way? Well, I can't. I want you to know that the night song brought you to mind. Unable to sleep for some reason, I am thinking of the strangeness of it all and wondering if it was a mistake to make an eye appointment for my dad on Monday. At 90, that's probably not wisdom. Two weeks ago it sounded plausible. But cases are up here. I wrote an unsolicited article for CT (that didn't make it) that likened the the warp we're in to the storm on the sea where Jesus says "Peace, be still." How I relate to that story. We worry about the crisis but He is in control; even the wind and waves obey His voice. You are in a place where Jesus is your hiding place. I pray He will sustain you. Prayers for you tonight. May God bless you and keep you.

    1. My dear Norma...your words mean so much to me. Please say it all, all that's on your beloved heart.

      Your friendship honours me.

  18. Andrew, my recent silence does not mean I'm not praying for you daily. You are such a blessing, such an example, such a faithful soul. I've simply been busy and not online reading the agent blogs as I usually do. Grace, peace, love, and God's richest blessing on you. Judith

    1. Judith, no have been in our prayers as well.

      One day we shall meet, and in that meeting, rejoice over the community we have had here, and that which will endure forever.
