Thursday, November 21, 2019

Your Dying Spouse 700 - The Grace Of Rain {FMF}

This week has been rough.

Bad things get worse (the golf-ball-size lump in my navel is now the size of a billiard ball...and it hurts).

New things get bad (the 'necklace' of swollen lymph nodes around my neck is speading)

Old things get scary (is it possible to live without sleep?..'cause the oh-crap-I-can't-breathe-thing is getting BO-RING!).

Some things just get weird (I tried to give myself a haircut).

And today, it rained.

Now this morning comes the rain,
and it is raining hard.
Wrapped in cold I find, there, pain,
and puddles in the yard.
My sandals leave a muddy trail
(no boots, they clog and slide);
dogs look own with lowered tails,
and find dry space to hide.
But I know this too shall pass,
and sunlight brings the grace;
reflected from each blade of grass,
I see God's smiling face.
And come tomorrow's sunny morn,
the world is clean-washed, and reborn.

Music from Christopher Cross, with Ride Like The Wind.

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. But I know this too shall pass,
    and sunlight brings the grace;
    reflected from each blade of grass,
    I see God's smiling face.

    Yes, yes indeed. :) Prayers continue Andrew

    1. I was so delighted to meet PRIEST AZIBA after a long time looking for help in order to fix the ups and downs with my boyfriend. We lived together for two years without any problems until this year when he started seeing another girl, When I tried talking to him, he decided to leave me for her which made me so heart broken after all we have been through together, he even stopped picking up my calls and also blocked me from calling him. I love him dearly and couldn't accept losing him that's why I decided to seek help from PRIEST AZIBA through his number +2348100368288, he helped me quickly in one day and as I speak my boyfriend is back to me with lots of love and respect like never before. Am expecting more good things to happen in our relationship.
      Get in contact with PRIEST AZIBA and He's also specialize in giving lottery winning numbers spells, Herbal Medicines E.T.C. Get connected Email: Or WhatsApp : +2348100368288

  2. (((((Andrew)))))
    Beautiful! True! One of your best, I think.

    Annie in Texas

  3. Such beauty in the small things - a blade of grass, a muddy trail - that sometimes we only notice because pain and illness teaches to notice them. Much love x

    1. Liz, in spite of all the discomfort, I wouldn't trade the privilege of position.

      Love back!

  4. Aww, I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well, Andrew. It’s been so dry here that we welcomed the rain and pray for more. But grey days can be hard on a person.

    1. Grey days can indeed be hard, but without them we'd not see the magnificence of a sunset that comes after a storm.

      Thank you for your kind words, and for being here!

  5. Beautiful poem, Andrew! Knowing that the storms will pass but God's grace remains is a huge comfort!

  6. Andrew, know that God is continually smiling at you and friend, He rejoices over you (Zephaniah 3:17). Praying for you!

    1. Joanne, the Scripture is perfect. Thank you for this, and for your prayers.

  7. Enjoyed your post as usual. Cancer is the pits and I'm so sorry it's making your body pay the price. Still praying for your comfort and peace. On a side note, after your post about your dogs last week, we had to put our 16 year old cat, Holly, down this week. Hoped she would pass easy but she was suffering and we had no choice.

    1. Duhdad, Iam so sorry for your loss. Sixteen You must have taken such exceptional care of Holly!

      Thank you so much for your prayers.

  8. Thank you! 'Til the last you write and through your pain, give hope.
    Grace and peace in Jesus' name.

    1. Vicki, thank you for this, and for being here.

  9. I wish I had the gift of healing, but it probably wouldn't work over the internet even if I did. All I can do is keep praying for you, andI won't stop.

  10. God is smiling even through the rain you are feeling. It WILL pass and you will be out of all the elements that hold you down. Prayers for you while I am also watching another friend with the same, on hospice and failing more each day. Thankfully you both have trust in our Lord Jesus Christ, therefore you have hope!

    1. Mary, I really don't know how an unbeliever faces something like thi. Thank you so much for your prayers; please know you are in ours.

  11. I guess you're saying that it's weird to have rain where you live? I know you live out west, so I'm sure it's quite the oddity!

    That aside, I'm so sorry to hear about your growing tumor, increased pain and sleepless nights, Andrew! Quite the trifecta! Know that I'm praying for you and hope that you can catch some sleep tonight, dear friend!

    1. Beth, yes, rain's an oddity here. A light drizzle can completely grilock traffic in Albuquerque, and as for snow...well.

      It is kind of a grim trifecta...good word! Thank you so much for being here, and for your prayers.

  12. Your post reminds me of an old Jars of Clay song. I am sharing the words to the bridge of the song and the chorus below.

    Face to the ground
    To hide the fatal cut
    I fight the weight
    Feel you lift me up
    Can't deny it burns me up inside
    I fan the flames to melt away
    My pride
    Only had a second to spare
    But all the time in the world
    To know you're there
    You are the shelter from the rain
    And the rain to wash me away
    I need you, I need you, I need you
    (All I'm living for)
    I need you, I need you, I need you
    (All I'm living for)
    & I need you, I need you, I need you
    You're all I'm living for
    All I'm living for
    All I'm living for
    All I'm living for
    You're all I'm living for

    I am so thankful for sunlight that brings grace. I am praying for you and Barb! -Jolene

    1. Jolene, this is perfect - thank you so much!

  13. I was so delighted to meet PRIEST AZIBA after a long time looking for help in order to fix the ups and downs with my boyfriend. We lived together for two years without any problems until this year when he started seeing another girl, When I tried talking to him, he decided to leave me for her which made me so heart broken after all we have been through together, he even stopped picking up my calls and also blocked me from calling him. I love him dearly and couldn't accept losing him that's why I decided to seek help from PRIEST AZIBA through his number +2348100368288, he helped me quickly in one day and as I speak my boyfriend is back to me with lots of love and respect like never before. Am expecting more good things to happen in our relationship.
    Get in contact with PRIEST AZIBA and He's also specialize in giving lottery winning numbers spells, Herbal Medicines E.T.C. Get connected Email: Or WhatsApp : +2348100368288

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