Thursday, April 4, 2019

Your Dying Spouse 602 - The Christ I Need {FMF}

Did you ever think that the God you need... the One who needs you?

Man, this week has been a torment,
planned by some dark devil-spawn.
While it's perhaps "just for a moment"
this fell Green Mile goes on and on.
One might assume I think of Jesus;
I do, but probably not like you.
He's beside me, ripped to pieces,
and taunted by a jeering crew.
I take the cross-bar of His doom
to let Him catch His ragged breath,
then on we walk toward Calvary's loom,
the holy way to dusty death.
As I inch along life's cracking bough
I need Him here, within my Now.

You may have more to offer Christ than you think.
(Offer is the Five Minute Friday writing prompt this week.)

For those who may wonder how it's going, the answer is, really hard. Visible and painful tumours in the upper abdomen, and it's really hard to breathe, much less talk.

Music from the New Radicals, with You Get What You Give.

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. So glad you can picture Jesus walking with you through all this, because He sure is there. I love your writing, Andrew, and how you just keep on. You are an inspiration! May God comfort and sustain you and Barb during these hard circumstances!

    1. Gayl, thank you so much for this...and for your kind thoughts and prayers.

      We're so grateful for your friendship!

  2. I'm still here, Andrew. Still so moved by your words. Still praying.

    1. Jane, thank you so much. You are in our prayers, too.

  3. Holding you in prayer Andrew. Keep him in your now.

    1. Annette, thank you so much. And yes...He's here.

  4. Bless you. I thank God for walking with you, and for you walking with Him.

    1. My dear Norma, thank you, so very, very much. You've helped me stand tall enough to reach His Hand, far more than you know.

  5. Jesus our Brother, Immanuel in every sense.
    May He keep you and bless you and give you peace, Andrew x

    1. Liz, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

  6. Blogger just ate my comment. Drives me nuts.

    1. Susan, yeah, blogger can be a pain. I am glad you;re here.

  7. Andrew, you remind me time and time again that our God is always with us, closer than the air we breathe. May He bring you relief today and ease of breath. Praying for you and Barb.
    PS - your post brought to mind my favorite version of this song. May it bless and encourage you today!

    1. Joanne, please forgive my delayed reply, an thank you for this gracious comment, and for the song!

      We truly appreciate your prayers.

  8. I'm sorry it's all so hard, Andrew, but I'm glad you know Jesus walking through it with you.

    1. Lesley, thank you so much, and please pardon my deay in responding.

  9. Praying for an extra measure of grace even this evening - and in the days ahead!!

    1. Jennifer, thank you...grace is here!

      And please excuse my slow response.

  10. ((((Andrew))))

    Annie in Texas

  11. The past 7 nights I've had lots of trouble sleeping due to a relentless cough, and as I've been awake off & on (some nights more awake than not), I've prayed for those on my prayer list who might be finding nighttime more difficult than others. That "short list" includes you, my dear friend-who-I-have-not-yet-met. To some, that may not seem like much, but you and I both know how huge prayer is. Please let me know if there's a particular time or a particular "whatever" that I can be praying for, and I'll be on it right away. Many, many {{{{{hugs}}}}

    1. Patti, thank you so very, very much for the prayers (and please ecuse my slow response). Prayer any time is good; I am having a problem with pain, and having trouble breathing, if you want some focus.

  12. Andrew I pray for you and your dear wife. Thank you for your words. God bless you.

    1. Kelly, please pardon my tardy reply, and thank you so much for your prayers!

  13. How you manage to press through in spite of the pain... enduring it while willingly spilling out such wisdom and truth... I agree with the others above --it's inspirational and humbling! Praying for you and Barbara each day!

    1. Karrilee, we are so grateful for your prayers, and please ecuse this late reply.

      It's an honour to be here. I don't resent it, not a bit. God disposes.

  14. I am so sorry for your pain, but glad for your lessons learned. Your rewards will be great, and I know you will throw them at his feet when you stand in his grace. He needs you to endure and you need him to give the strength to endure. You are surely walking hand in hand with him. Prayers are with you. Angels are looking on. You are not alone!

    1. Mary, thank you so much for this (and please excuse my late reply). I am truly grateful for the opportunity to be here, and to witness to His Love from this privileged place.

      We thank you so much for your prayers!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. This is a beautiful thought.

    I was just reading from Hebrews 4 ... "We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses ..."

    But it is probably true that He also appreciates it when one of His friends ("I call you friends") begins to understand something of what He went through. He is a human being, after all.

    I don't think chronic pain ought to exist in the world. But, given that it does, I guess it creates a kind of fellowship.

    1. Jennifer, I love your take on this, with the Hebrews scripture, and your thoughts about how He appreciates His friends' understanding of His experience.

      You said this so well, and I am grateful.

      There is indeed a fellowship.

      (And please excuse my slow reply.)

  17. And He is there within your now, Andrew! I'm so glad that He is, since the vast majority of us can only pray and comfort you from afar. Hugs, dear friend! You know I'm firing up prayers as I type!

    1. Beth, He sure is here...and we so appreciate your prayers!

      And please pardon my tardy reply!
