Thursday, April 5, 2018

Your Dying Spouse 455 - Our Thomas Self {FMF}

Our Thomas Self...

There is little, biblically, about Apostle Thomas.  The most easily quoted passages are have to do with Thomas' need to touch Jesus, to have tangible evidence that Jesus was alive. (John 20:24).  I have heard these passages throughout my life, and they struck a chord that made me who I am.  I actually conceive Thomas more as a studious apostle, a dedicated apostle,  an inquistitive apostle, mixed with some doubt.

Thomas' question to Jesus at the Passover meal gives us a glimpse into his character.

John 14:5 - Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

7 If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

Thomas was a student of Jesus,  that's what it meant to follow a Rabbi. A student was to be so immersed in the rabbi's theology,  behavior,  and idiosyncrasies that the disciple could repeat them precisely.  Thomas question was a natural one,  not a spiritual one.   Jesus knew Thomas well, they have ate,  travelled, fellowshipped, and slept the same daily life for three years.

Jesus was not surprised by Thomas' question at Passover,  nor was Jesus surprised at Thomas' need for tangibility after His Resurrection.   When you think about it,  all the apostles received tangible evidence that Jesus was alive. Thomas was more vocal about his need.

We are all Thomas in life.  Being an introvert, I question my ability to do any new activity and usually am fearful to the point of talking myself out of it easily.   Andrew refuses to let me get by with such behavior.   I drove a manual transmission for over a decade,  not because I wanted to learn how but because Andrew insisted I learn how to get over my fear.   I know how to shift a motorcycle but was scared to try a larger vehicle.  So scared that I sweating & got tunnel vision.  I learned with the compassionate training of Andrew.  The only thing I could not completely master was steep hills. (But neither could Andrew, with any consistency!)

My point: We all have "doubts", fears,  self-talk that holds us back from our maximum potential.   Sometimes we have a savior (I don't mean this sacrilegiously) that comes along and provides us tangible resources to overcome, to provide the missing information to overcome, to provide the training to overcome, or the inspiration to overcome, to lift us up beyond our lower expectations to overcome.

Sometimes we are the savior for someone else. In either case we are called to be His hands, His feet,  His eye of compassion, His giving of inspiration and hope.

Yes we are all Thomas, the faithful follower doing everything in his power to replicate his Rabbi's every move.

Music is from Amy Grant, with My Father's Eyes.

If you're interested, you can find Andrew's books on Amazon.


  1. Jesus was not surprised by Thomas' questions. I need to remember that having questions is not a negative thing. I am a mom to three young children. I want to be more kind and compassionate concerning my children's questions. I am praying for you both. -Jolene

  2. Jolene, we all grasp knowledge through being inquistative. It's the action that makes us wise.

    Children do try our patience as they navigate the world around them. Just a God causes us to pause to learn from experiences, young children need the same kind of direction.

    Your prayers keep us protected.

  3. "We all have "doubts", fears, self-talk that holds us back from our maximum potential." Yes, we do! And thank the Lord that there are people who will lovingly speak truth to us when we need it. Thanks for your insightful post. Praying that you and Andrew would be sheltered under the wings of our gracious God.

    1. Vicki, thank you for the prayers. God wings of shelter are always welcome.

  4. My doubt lives strongly. .good thing God is stronger eh?

    1. Annette, yes He is. His yolk also easy to bring us to a more hopeful place of confidence.

  5. So true, we all have doubts and fears at times and we all need others to help us overcome them. Praying for you both!

  6. We are all a bit of Thomas - aren't we? We tend to think of his as the great Doubter but in John 11.16 we see him in a new light. The Word records, Then Thomas who is called the twin, said to his fellow disciples, "Let us also go, that we may die with Him." O! that I would be so bold and brave. xo

  7. I am struggling to learn a manual transmission and I'm over 50! And I love that Amy Grant song - it brings back lots of memories. Love and prayers to both of you.

    1. Paula, good wishes for learning the manual tranny. Actually is fun when you get the hang of it. Be patient with yourself and dontblet other motorist's impatience get in your way of achieving success.
      The song is actually my Dad's and my 2nd father daughter song.
      Thank you for the prayers and loving companionship.

  8. I can identify with Thomas--maybe that's why God has given me so many experiences where I can see and feel his power at work in the lives of those close to me.

  9. Yep....we all can identify with Thomas. I'm preaching on this text this week. I'm in the 29 spot this week.

    1. Tara, I'm positive you willing a great job presenting God's Word.

  10. We are all doubting Thomas's. My fears so often battle with my words of faith and win.

    1. Mary, very good point God's Word is our best defense.

  11. i have always loved thomas. i have always had questions and not all people have found my questions welcome. to realize that Jesus does, has been very helpful. He doesn't want mindless robots to follow Him and isn't threatened by our questions. i also married someone who felt the same way:) i was doubly blessed:)

    1. Martha, thank you. You are so right. Jesus' select inner circle was a collage of personalities but not mindless robots. Very good to remember.

  12. This makes me smile. Being a farm kid, I learned to drive a tractor in second grade. I remember popping the clutch on occasion. Yes, many hills to climb, and many fears collide with our best efforts. But for God. I'm grateful we have God walking with us.

    1. Norma, thank you for the memory. I like...many fears collide with our best efforts. Great image for actually what occurs inside our mind.

  13. Courage doesn't mean not being afraid, but doing something in spite of our fears. You are a brave woman.

  14. Definitely a Thomas. I have begun to see him in new light too. I've begun to ask Jesus for things I never dared to before. I'm a very visual person and experience things in a visual way. As I invited Jesus to reveal Himself in this way He has - in the most stunning and very real tangible visions where I have not just seen Him, but felt, heard and even smelt His Presence. It was like being in the room with Him physically. I just always thought I was being so unfaithful having such doubts. What I realized is that those doubts are an invitation to experience Jesus in a deeper way. So, thank you for these words. They're beautiful. I too am an introvert and my husband has also been so good at making me do things I was too scared to 😊. Good on you, Andrew! My husband also has a great sense of humor like Andrew 😊. Praying for you both tonight. May our Lord and Savior bring such beautiful visions and dreams of heaven and its wholeness that will never leave you.

  15. Anna, oh thank you for sharing your intimate experiences of Christveith us. What an amazing adventure. Thank you for your heartfelt and earnest prayer. We had a good and different day today. Andrew & I worked together for years and enjoyed doing so. Today have us an opportunity to be the awesome Team we can be. So your prayer gave fruit today.
