Thursday, February 22, 2018

Your Dying Spouse 445 - The Beauty Of Contentment (Barbara) {FMF}


Greek..."a habit or permanent state of mind" (

In life I've been accused of being false. False in my happiness,  false in my peace, false in my contentment.   Truth is no one is 100% any emotion.  Even if the world sees the best of you, does that make you false? Of course not.  

There are moments in everyday,  I'm grateful for the veil God has placed between me and the world.   The veil allows me to do the necessary things of life without speaking much frustration,  anger,  discontent,  disdain,  or falsehood into the immediate environment.   The veil also keeps me from knowing these emotions immediately.

Yet the truth is,  all in all,  I've practiced contentment most my life.   It was ingrained as a child.   Mom taught appreciation of expensive and beautiful things.  Enjoying the essence of something without having to possess it.  Even later recalling it and enjoying the memory.  She was teaching me contentment, how to create the state of mind that would become permanent.

Contentment once learned is easily applied to daily life,  almost effortlessly. Truely I don't even make a conscious effort,  contentment is part of my character, personal attribute.

So to some of the world I'm false,  so be it. 

At home I tend to be more serious,  contemplative but rest assured,  I'm content amongst the chaos. It would appear impossible,  yet what allows the contentment.

My contentment comes from Knowing Who I Am.   Not my talents,  not my profession at this moment in life,  not the amount of money I make or don't make, or who really knows me,  etc.
It's my Character, that has been built on an unwavering Cornerstone. I may slip,  I may tilt,  I am bend and nearly break; but Jesus is strong & unflawed providing My Home,  My Refuge,  My Safe Shelter, the Shadow of His Wings keeps me grounded.

My Contentment is His Glory inside me holding me steadfast. 

The musical accompaniment is You Are My Hiding Place...

If you're interested, you can find Andrew's books on Amazon.


  1. Amen! Philippians 4:11-13 has been my help and my hope when I feel dissatisfied and in need of a reminder that contentment comes from my relationship with Jesus. If the world doesn't understand, well, maybe my contentment will make them curious :). Praying for both of you!

    1. Scripture is a perfect hiding place to find Our Savior and His uplifting words.

  2. Barb, beautifully put. Contentment is a mindset we can learn, a discipline we can develop and thrive in.

    What spoke to me most was what you said about how your contentment comes from knowing who you are. YES. This is one of the big life lessons God has been teaching me. When I know who I am and Whose I am, contentment comes much more easily.

    I'm praying for you and Andrew with all you're both dealing with today. I'm so sorry.

    1. Jeanne, thank you.
      I have a t-shirt that says: it's not easy being a princess. When people ask I tell them I'm a princess of the Most High God and He has High Standards.

    2. I LOVE that, Barb!

  3. So beautiful. Love your writing and voice.

    1. Betsy, thank you. Enlightenment to have professional writes complement me. I write very differently in my profession.

  4. Replies
    1. Paula, thank you. I ask God all week to prepare my soul so my words are His for this blog.

  5. I've had my ups and downs with contentment all these years... thinking about it has made me see that those most-contented times coincided with Jerry's better times when his medical issues were somewhat *under control* (for lack of a better way to put it). Yep, contentment certainly has to be learned. Thank heaven for a great God who teaches me.

    Prayers as always for you and Andrew and the woofers!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Diana, you are right, caregiving is a rollercoaster ride with contentment. We had a small coaster ride today. I went to the Doc with this virus and found out it settled in my lungs. Dic said no work for you next four days, back Monday. In the meantime, Andrew stepped in a consealed rabbit hole in the yard, twisting his right knee. To add insult to injury, Andrew's cane endcap broke and yours truly had to go to the hardware store and get A new endcap. Thankfully it was easy and the staff made it easier.

      Needless to say, I'm off work sick, and house and dog duties were preformed. I did have relaxation time and watched a movie I'd wanted to see: Victoria and Abul.

  6. Beautiful post! I agree, contentment is only possible in God. It's so reassuring to know that whatever our circumstances we are secure in him and his love and his faithfulness don't change. Love and prayers to you both!

    1. Lesley, thank you. Prayers are our other beautiful protection each day.

  7. Oh, Barbara, this is beautiful! Jesus really is our hiding place. I'm so glad you can practice contentment, knowing that God is your strength and protection. May He give you peace and the wisdom and strength to carry on. You and Andrew are in my prayers. You are both an inspiration!

    1. Gayle, thank you for the prayers. Glad we provide an avenue of wisdom.

  8. This is beautiful for truly contentment comes from God. You both inspire so many of us and I am grateful our paths have crossed. Praying for you both as you face such difficult days.

    1. Joanne, thank you. Crossing paths is two way, and we are grateful for a Team of prayer warriors.

  9. The beauty of knowing who you are is indeed the ultimate contentment. May you find that in this day.

    1. BusyB, thank you for the reminder to look for contentment daily. Circumstance can overwhelm and contentment forgotten.

  10. Love this! There is such beauty in remembering deeply who we are...

  11. Barb, Andrew, contentment is definitely (in my opinion) a fruit of the Spirit. Been praying for BOTH of you this a.m. xoxoxoxo

    1. Susan, thank you for the prayers. I like the visual of contentment being a fruit of the spirit.

  12. great post barb:) sorry to see that you were sick. i like that you talked about practicing contentment. at 72, it has taken me a LOT Of practice. it really doesn't come naturally to me at all:( praying for you both. greet andrew.

    1. Martha, Andrew reads all the blog comments, he welcomes all acknowledgemwnts.
      I believe contentment is a life long lesson.

  13. I pray for both of you every day. This is a beautiful post. Did you and Andrew originally connect because you were both writers? How did you meet? (Sorry if I'm being nosey.)

    1. Janet, in a way you could say we did. We are a Catholic 2001 internet couple. Andrew got my subtle jokes and sincerity answers. So our writing did bring us together.

      At the time he was a civil engineering college professor & I was an upper management employee for a movable wall company that had worked her way up from union labor. Part of my responsibiliies was policy and procedure writing. At the same time, being single and still time on my hands, occasionally I volunteered in Youth Ministry.

  14. Wonderful story! I would love to be more beautifully content in who I am in Christ!

    1. Myrna, learn that security before hard difficult times occur. I've seen in others the struggle of having to do both.

  15. Sweet words: His glory holding you steadfast!

  16. God doesn't see you as false because you content yourself with what is true in Him... in His Word. Praise God for your contentment in the hard place. I've been considered false or pollyanna so I think I can relate to your words here. I've not walked in your shoes, and I bless you for being who God created you to knowing you would one day walk this journey with contentment and JOY. The JOY of the Lord is your strength...
    Beautiful song - thank you for your encouragement.

    1. My Mom introduced me to the song many many years ago. It is one of my alarms and reminds me of her and God.
      Thank you for your encouraging words. I found out in my childhood that discouraging people wallow in discouragement afraid of doing the the right thing because it takes prayer and thought. Soon or later if they make a change the learning curve is much steeper. I'm so grateful for a Mom that pushed me to the higher road, but also showed me how and when to perform the righteous fight.

  17. Blogger does not like me. I'm leaving you comments but they keep disappearing!

  18. Tara, thank you for trying, I've had to copy what I've written to ensure it finally posts this week. I've learned that technology and I are arch enemies, so I've developed a habit even at work of backing myself up.

  19. Your post reminded me of a movie I saw called Amal, about a young man in India who drives a rickshaw taxi. He is not well off, but when another man asks him if he is a contented man, he says yes. And the other man says, "Then God has been good to you." I loved that, and I think it applies to what you've written here: your contentment shows that you have experienced God's goodness. Thank you for your inspiring words.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Jeannie, thank for sharing the story of Amal. It is a matter of perspective and acceptance of the good in life, the provided needs and not all the unneeded wants.

  20. Our contentment should be found in Christ alone. How wonderful it is to know that whether the world gets us or not, it cannot take it away.
    Wonderful post. Thank you.

    1. Kelly, thank you. Nothing can separate us from the love of God once we accept His eternal gift of life, His complete sacrifice for us.

  21. Barbara,
    I so appreciate your comments. Your mother was a wise woman. Scripture says Godliness with contentment is great gain. I wonder if there is such a thing as Godliness without contentment? I think the world so often sees what is false in us. You know the sanctification of living in Christ, even though none are perfect in it. God bless you!

  22. Thank you for sharing and bringing us back to the simple things, the basics. Blessings!

    1. Leigh, my goal is to help keep others focused. I'm glad you find worth in the foundations.

  23. It's so good to know you find your contentment in the Lord, Barbara! I'm certain He is the only steady Rock in your life these days, as Andrews pain and health continue to deteriorate--threatening your contentment and peace. My prayers are with you both that you continue to rest in the Lord's peaceful embrace! Hang in there, dear friend!

  24. Beth, contentment is a must for both of us to withstand the day. Peace is the blanket that holds us in place and Shields our human nature

  25. Beautiful, Barbara. Yes, once I shared with a friend about a struggle our family was facing. She said, "But you're always smiling." Well? What am I supposed to do? Go around with a frown? That's just not me. Frowning feels more fake than smiling. I'm usually the one smiling and crying at the same time. :)
