Sunday, July 2, 2017

Your Dying Spouse 331 - Nice Music

Way too ill to write anything worthwhile, but here's some music you may enjoy. Perhaps you've not heard it before, but I imagine you'll recognize the voice of David Gates.


  1. Thanks, Andrew. I'm not familiar with David Gates, but am enjoying the music right now.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this piece, Michele...thank you so much for being here, and I hope you are having a wonderful Fourth.

  2. I love how you always share music. You have brought up many memories for me with some of your song choices in your posts. Blessings and prayers.

    1. Mary, I am so glad you enjoy the music. It's been a kind of journey for me; I went from the defiance of AC/DC to pieces like this one, as I have made peace with the process. (Still like AC/DC, though!)

      Thank you so much for the prayers. Blessings back!

  3. This is bad isn't it my friend? You didn't reply to any comments on Friday and now this... it's beautiful music but...I don't want to think about where this may be going. Prayers always.

    1. Christy...yes, it's bad. Recent physical setbacks do make me wonder how I can find a way forward, but I am still here, and will do my best.

      Where it's going...well, it's going to the place where there will be no more tears. I'm not by nature a hugger - I'm Asian, after all - but rest assured that I will make an exception when I see you there.

      Thank tyou so very much for the prayers.

  4. Thanks for the beautiful music and video. I'll be praying extra hard for you.

    1. Jan, I am so glad you enjoyed the music. And I so appreciate the prayers...and things are bad, so I do need them.

  5. Replies
    1. I'm here, Susan. Getting battered, bad. But I am alive, and remain.

  6. I had to google who David Gates was, but I enjoyed listening to the music! Thanks for sharing. Praying for you today.

    1. Rachel, I'm so glad you enjoyed the music. David Gates has a wonderful voice, doesn't he?

      Thank you so much for the prayers...these have been very bad days.

      And you remain in my daily prayers. I think you're awesome.

  7. Didn't know him by name but know his voice and a few songs. Not these. Beautiful! Andrew I'm praying for you. You are loved!!!

    1. Mary, I'm so glad you like "Clouds and Rain"; it's a very special song for me.

      And I do feel the love around me, holding me up as it gets too hard to stand, let alone walk.

  8. Still believing and still praying.

  9. Just rest in Jesus, Andrew... we're all praying for you and lifting you up to the Lord.

    I, too, am struggling today (although nothing close to what you're dealing with!)... it would've been my son's (the one I've mentioned before) 38th birthday today... yes, July 4th, what a cool day to have as a birthday, huh! Things can come at you out of the blue even though time has passed (in this case, 3 1/2 years since he died), but Jesus is our rock and our fortress, our strength... I'll call on His Name for both of us, Andrew.

    Keeping you, Barbara and the doggies in thoughts and prayers as always.

    1. Diana, please pardon my delay in replying...and please know that you are in my prayers. That kind of loss, I do know, never stops hurting.

      God bless, my friend.

  10. What a great story you're gonna leave behind. A footpint in the sand...

    1. Martinus, thank you so much! You just made my day (and I REALLY needed that!).

  11. I'm sorry you're not feeling well, Andrew. Praying for you and Barbara and your fur babies.

    1. Thanks so very much...we all appreciate the prayers.
