Sunday, May 1, 2016

Your Dying Spouse 148 - A Book Arriveth; A Lesson Learned

I'm guest-posting over at Anita Ojeda's "Blessed But Stressed" today, on what the church can do for dudes with PTSD. Please step over and visit!

Thanks to the hard work a dear friend I've never met, Carol Ashby, let me introduce...drum roll, please...

Yes, Emerald Isle made it out of the shadows. It's about love and hope and death and second chances.

I's about life. Please click on the cover to go to Amazon and learn a bit more.

But mainly, for me, it's about people who will pick you up when you can't walk another step, and carry you over the finish line.

I was out of strength, and, to tell the truth, out of hope.

And I did the most important thing I could have done, even though I didn't know I was doing it. I asked for help.

In participating in the blog run by the agents of the Books and Such literary agency (of which I am not a client...I don't have an agent), I mentioned that I had some work that probably, due to my physical situation, would not see the light of day.

It wasn't a cry for help or reassurance; I don't do that easily. And while there may have been some self-pity involved (some?), I don't think that was the motivator. I've seen things that are way more deserving of pity than me.

It was, as close as I can say now, with hindsight, a warning...don't  wait too long. Some day tomorrow won't come.

At any rate, the Books and Such blog community leapt to my aid, with encouragement, and in Carol's case, with editing expertise.

I cannot tell y'all how humbled I am.

Emerald Isle meant a lot to me when I wrote it; it still does. But even more, the lesson I have learned here has changed my life, even this close to its ending.

I learned that when God opens the doors of Heaven's treasurehouses, what rains down is love. We have only to accept it.

If you can, please do leave a comment. I am trying to answer all, and I am failing, but please know this - I read and treasure each one.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links (they're 99 cents each). And if you'd like a free PDF, please email me at tempusfugit02 (at) gmail (dot) com, and I'll gladly send them


  1. Andrew! How exciting! I can't wait to read it! That's just like our God, to bless you more abundantly than you could ever hope or imagine! The testimony continues . . .

  2. Congrats, Andrew! Your legacy continues on its way to impact untold numbers!

    But we always knew that would happen, didn't we.

    Again ... congrats! Celebrating with you!

  3. As part of the Books & Such community (no, I don't have an agent either) I'm delighted that we were able to help you. Of course we're all praying for you.

  4. That is good news!!! Congratulations, Andrew. I'm so glad for you and that you found a way to make it happen. Good friends come through. Carol rocks. Blessings.

  5. Andrew,

    Like many others, I've "followed" your story on the Books & Such blog. Also like many others, I worried on the days you were unable to post and sent my prayers. I'm elated to see "Emerald Isle" has officially been published.

    Congratulations. :)

  6. So exciting, Andrew!! Can't wait to read it! :)

  7. Celebrating with you, Andrew. May God continue to bless you because you have blessed many.

  8. I'm so glad that Carol has helped you to reach this milestone. I'm trying to figure out how to turn some Bible studies I've written into Kindle versions and it's rather laborious, so I can see how challenging it would be for you, Andrew. I do hope it sells like gangbusters, my friend! Love ya and praying for you!
