Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Football For Christmas


Because of a switch in phones...I write these things on a Smartphone...I missed my normal Thursday night posting (Barb says it's not right to say 'I' and normal in the same paragraph, much less sentence), and so, here's one for Christmas.

It's something that just does appall
(what else is there to say?),
but they're making guys play football 
upon this Christmas Day,
for linemen too have family,
and yearn for Christmas cheer
gathered 'round the shining tree
this one day of the year,
and it feels wrong to tune on in
and hunt for Buff'lo wings,
impatient for game to begin,
while spurning finer things,
and anyway, passion's not fired
since the GOAT went and retired.

If you have to ask, yeah, Tom Brady.

Sylvia had a thought... Buffalo hot wings flavoured ice cream...

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