Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Year's Resolution (Tell His Story)

Maybe the best New Year's promise is honestly.

I set my resolution
for the coming year
to show there's no solution 
in not showing fear,
for dread has gripped the heart of me,
and makes me want to fly
across some strange and distant sea
and bid cancer goodbye.
To deny this is untrue,
a weakness, not a strength,
and so I will pledge to you
to not go on at length
about the terrors that I feel,
but I will admit they're real.

Sylvia says, don't be afraid, Dad. God's here, and so am I.

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Thursday, December 26, 2024

Boxing Day


Yes, it is hard to resist 
the siren call of Boxing Day
and the mighty thunder-fist
of the greatest, Cassius Clay,
who floated like a butterfly 
for all the sporting world to see,
far faster than the quickest eye,
stung just like an angry bee,
leaving losers sore amazed
(with the emphasis on 'sore'),
and the Lord God, to be praised,
saw the best, and raised up more
to challenge renamed Muh'mad Ali,
and so He set Mike Tyson free.

Granted, Mike Tyson never fought Muhammad Ali...but what a bout that would have been!

Sylvia thinks that Boxers are just econo-Pitties.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Football For Christmas


Because of a switch in phones...I write these things on a Smartphone...I missed my normal Thursday night posting (Barb says it's not right to say 'I' and normal in the same paragraph, much less sentence), and so, here's one for Christmas.

It's something that just does appall
(what else is there to say?),
but they're making guys play football 
upon this Christmas Day,
for linemen too have family,
and yearn for Christmas cheer
gathered 'round the shining tree
this one day of the year,
and it feels wrong to tune on in
and hunt for Buff'lo wings,
impatient for game to begin,
while spurning finer things,
and anyway, passion's not fired
since the GOAT went and retired.

If you have to ask, yeah, Tom Brady.

Sylvia had a thought... Buffalo hot wings flavoured ice cream...

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Favourite Christmas Music (Tell His Story)


What's your favourite Christmas carol?

Mine is Better Days by the Goo Goo Dolls (once I get past the band's odd name), but running a close second (and here, linked) is  Love Came Down At Christmas, from Jars Of Clay. The video's charming.

Sylvia's favourite is, of course, Carol Of The Bulls, followed closely by that canine version of Jingle Bells.

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

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Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Christmas Reading (Tell His Story)

 People like to talk about Christmas movies... but what do you read at Christmastime?

Something new, or a personal tradition?

For me it's William Barrett's The Left Hand Of God, a story of redemption and risk set in post-WW2 China.

Every year.

What about you?

Sylvia, unfortunately, can't read. Not that it bothers her when there's ice cream to be had.

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Thursday, December 12, 2024

Who Could Have Seen It Coming?

 Who could truly have foreseen 
what lay beyond that stable birth,
the dawning day of Heaven's dream,
the saving of a fallen Earth?
Who could have looked at the child,
so fragile then in Mary's arms,
and seen a Saviour meek and mild
and stalwart in the face of harms
that rose in anger from Abyss
to reclaim what they thought their own,
and could not be resolved to this,
that their fate had now been sown
by that Babe, now fast asleep,
the Hero who would light the deep.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is LONG.

It was a really lengthy trip,
following that shining star,
and friends said they'd lost their grip,
but Magi said, Well, here we are
to see the whole wide world's new king
sleeping in a manger
and unaware of anything 
that could be a danger,
but the Wise Men realized
that Herod was off his nut,
thinking Baby's death be prized,
so they went and cut
and ran home by another route
to avoid a royal dispute.

Music from the Goo Goo Dolls, with Better Days

Had Sylvia been among the Magi, she would have brought ice cream.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Christmas Songs (Tell His Story)

 Up on the housetop reindeer pause,
oh, dear God, it's Santa Claus
in an overloaded sleigh with runners bowed,
he's exceeded our roof's maximum load.
Ho, ho, ho, there the rafters go!
Ho, ho, ho, look out below!
Down through each story, quick, quick, quick,
and into the basement goes Good Saint Nick!

And it gets worse.

Jolly Old Jack Nicklaus,
we know you came to play,
and we're sure you will not go
make even one bo-gay!
Masters time is coming soon,
so you badass man,
send the Young Turks to the moon
when you kick them in the can.

More ice cream for Sylvia, hearing these.

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Thursday, December 5, 2024


 When the night's the darkest black
and you're nearing journey's end,
don't look forward, don't look back,
and for pity's sake don't bend,
for will is all that you have left
to get you through the awful now.
Think not on life's warp and weft,
and do not wonder how
you're going to face a worse tomorrow,
if tomorrow deigns to come
In any case you've got to borrow
strength when you at last have none,
and stand erect before death's door
when you don't know what you're standing for.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is STUFF.

The keyword for this week is STUFF,
another post, another song,
but I have really had enough,
and I don't know how to go on.
The nights are long, no counting sheep 
because the bones sullenly ache
far too much for any sleep,
and I think there must be some mistake 
that was made by angel-scribe
in setting out what is my life;
perhaps the cherub did imbibe
a spirit that cut like a knife
and feeling sick as sick can be
thought to take it out on me.

Sylvia will stand with me.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

How Do You Approach Advent? (Tell His Story)

 What does Advent mean to you?

It's the run-up to Christmas...and to Good Friday...

...and to the Resurrection, and our deliverance from damnation.

Have to admit, I have trouble wrapping my thoughts around the whole thing. I'd love to separate out the Holy Night, and the manger, and that quiet intimacy under the stars the angels placed.

But I see to the end, and that no longer works, and Advent is left as the beginning of a Mystery, great and terrible and glorious.

How can a Child be born to die,
the only Son of God,
the apple of His golden eye,
for a world so flawed?
How could dear Mary bear the truth,
and not dissolve in tears?
In what form did God offer proof 
that could calm her fears?
And did strong Joseph come to know 
that he would not be there
to help his wife absorb the blow...
did he think it unfair,
or, as he held the newborn Son,
did he say, "Thy will be done"?

Is this how it should be?

What is it for you?

For Sylvia it's ice cream.

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