Thursday, November 28, 2024

Soy To The World


I'm glad I'm not a turkey 
to grace your festive table,
or be turned into jerky 
to gnaw on when you're able.
Better far nuggets of soy
and benefits that they can bring,
and the proof that boy, oh, boy,
you can get used to anything.
So let us pour the gravy 
(yes, it is soy too);
so's ham (pigs shout, God save me!)
and we'll quaff when we are through 
tankards of the best soy beer;
aren't you glad you spent Thanksgiving here?

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is TRADE.

I've gone ahead and done the trade
of soy meat for the genuine,
and my wife says this has made
me something of a Frankenstein,
proselytizing far and wide
to anyone within my hearing
of a rising lethal tide
in a way that's not endearing,
shouting of the coming day
when the cows and chickens rise
to conquer and to make us pay
for our arrogant surmise
that retribution would not come,
thinking animals were dumb.

Sylvia will be not countenance soy ice cream.


  1. You're so talented, Andrew! And the sky in that first picture is beautiful!

    1. Lesley, thank you so much! I love living in a place with beautiful skies, and dogs with glowing green eyes!

  2. LOL. Soy??? Sylvia has to be a smart dog!
