Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Render Unto Caesar (Tell His Story)

 When I think about rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, I usually think, painfully, of taxes.

But there's another instance in which we owe Caesar something.

Our vote.

If I enjoy the fruits of the society in which I live, like, say, paved roads, I am participating.

And the price for participation is, well... participation.

Guess that's why they call it a civic duty.

We are, after all, privileged to have a say when so many don't, and that confers a larger responsibility, to make one's vote count.

Don't waste it on a candidate who simply can't win. A symbolic vote is actually a vote for one's own pride, the I Know Better voice.

Maybe the candidates are all crooks and crackpots, but you've got to believe that one of them may be less awful than the other.

If you can't see that, educate yourself more deeply.

And maybe next go-round, you can run for office yourself.

Sylvia's not old enough to vote, and glad of it.

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  1. You're right, it'd be easy to throw up our hands and walk away. But then we have no right to moan and groan and complain. Thanks for the good prompt, Andrew.

  2. Well said. We need to look at the policies and where they are taking us. I'm not sure I would have wanted to vote for Samson! :-)
