Thursday, June 27, 2024

Refiner's Fire

 An end to all the moto talk,
and chest-beating just fades away
as I no longer walk the walk
and am compelled to face each day 
on its own terms, and not on mine;
I am a hostage to its whims,
to the flame that may refine
my soul from oh, so many sins.
At least I hope and pray it's true,
that cancer is a crucible 
and when its work at last is through 
the remaining irreducible
parts that long ago were me
are fit for Holy company.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is SAME.

Jesus Christ, He is the same
now, yesterday, forevermore,
and we praise His holy name, but do we really know the score,
that He did not one day decide
to take the Cross, free us from sin?
In His DNA was pride
that would not let the devil win.
We have that double-helix too,
deep within what we ignore,
but if we go and push on through
faith's heavy-hung and golden door,
we can stand next to the bloke
who saved us all from Hades' smoke.

Three minutes thirty.

Sylvia's been through the fire. Her advice is to work on my tan.


  1. Cancer is a hard crucible, Andrew, but I think you are right, it can be used to refine us. "At least I hope and pray it's true, that cancer is a crucible and when its work at last is through the remaining irreducible parts that long ago were me are fit for Holy company."

  2. Standing next to Jesus. That will be an awesome day! Blessings!

  3. Hello Andrew. You amaze me. I am so glad you keep writing the posts. You have something to say that's worth saying. We're always learning and it's good to learn. I'm glad to see that Barb and you are making it work. Your friend, Norma

  4. My desire is also to be "fit for Holy company" and I hope that's true for all of us. Praying God's peace and strength for you as you endure the crucible.
