Thursday, June 20, 2024

A Prayer For The Living

Sometimes the road has gotta end,
and we don't know the how or why.
There are some things that God can't mend,
and so sometimes it's time to die.
This is not what I would choose,
'cause I still have a lot to give,
and there's not much else to lose...
except ability to live,
so God, if you can read these lines,
I know you CAN, but are you there?
I won't ask for better times,
nor for mansions in the air,
but please incline Your head in sorrow
and give me just one more tomorrow.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is CHOICE. Feeling too ill for a sonnet. Will a haiku suffice?

Sakura must fall,
but the Forty-Seven Ronin
choose their honour.

Believe it or not, that took the full five minutes, and a bit more.

Sylvia thinks another tomorrow would be great, especially if it's got ice cream in it.




  1. Thinking back over the years
    Over the last 4
    I can't help but wonder
    How many
    Could find Peace, Love
    and Acceptance
    In so much longated solitude
    Counting God's presence in the
    Mundane beauty of life
    Simplicity and Majesty of a
    Celebration of God Painted
    Skies and Creatures of all
    Then I count the Many
    Stood right here and other
    Places to
    and find Gratitude and Love of God
    Has helped you through those
    Who STAND.
    - Barbara

  2. I think you did a fabulous job (especially since you are sick). I hope you feel better!


  3. Andrew, I am glad you have chosen to spend these days with all of us in these blogging communities. You and Barb have been a blessing and an encouragement. May the Lord grant you more days! Praying for you both.

  4. Andrew, you are sounding so very tired. I can see you have much to do yet but sometimes God wants that put on hold to bring you an eternal healing. He really knows best. FMF17

  5. Your choice to share encouraging words, and your choice to find the beauty and joy in the middle of pain and suffering are a blessing to us. I pray for you both, even when I don't visit here as regularly as I'd wish.

  6. Well Andrew, I believe God will give you every tomorrow He wills. I mean, look how many you have had you didn't think you would see? Then, you will live in His eternal day. Haven't kept up with your blog lately. My attention has been on Barbara lately. After all, as one caregiver to another, I suspect, she needs the attention. Prayers always. Mary Hood here, makin' it one more day...

  7. Thank you Andrew and Barb for your poems and faith and love. Blessings to you both and to all the animals of course.

  8. Dearest Andrew and Barb,

    Father God,

    We lift up our friends, Andrew and Barb, to you in prayer, based on the words of your servant in Psalm 34. (Psalm 34:1)

    Andrew continues to battle illness, and their spirit feels heavy. Grant them the strength to declare your praises, even in this difficult time. (Psalm 34:1)

    Remind them that you have always been their refuge and their strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 34:4)

    Just as you delivered the righteous from all their troubles, surround Andrew and Barb with your healing presence. (Psalm 34:7)

    Be their shield and their fortress, a source of comfort and peace. (Psalm 34:22)

    We know that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all. (Psalm 34:19)

    We place them in your loving hands, and pray that you restore their strength and hope. (Psalm 34:19)

    In Jesus' name,

