Thursday, April 18, 2024

Barb Has A Beau


This sonnet first appeared as a comment to the Steve Laube Agency blog on April 18, and I had so much fun writing it that I decided to re-use it.

Yes, I’m having a great day,
and laughing through the pain,
all because, I’ve got to say,
we got a new Great Dane!
His name is Beau, and he is large,
with drooly massive head,
and he’s shown that he's in charge
by sleeping on Barb’s bed,
and my oh my, the springs did groan
‘neath Beau’s colossal weight,
and my oh my, poor Barb did moan
in seeing that her fate
would be to sleep upon the rug
with her cheerful gassy Pug.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is LONELY. Which I never am.

There's a dog on every chair,
and projects piled throughout the place.
I live without a lonely care,
for I live in a state of grace,
tied, yes, to the oxygen 
that lets me live and breathe away.
There's no point in Remember When,
for I've more blessings on this day 
than most will see,their whole lives through,
so I've let go the cherished past.
Each hour now brings something new,
and though I wasn't built to last
I will go fast instead of far,
and burn out as a shooting star.

Just a few ticks past three minutes.

Music from Bob Lind, with Elusive Butterfly

Sylvia just saw the first butterfly of spring!


  1. You and Barb have such experiences with your dogs. It is amazing how much company they are and how much God knew we needed them. May Beau be kind and make space on the bed for Barb! :) I am glad you have been with us for so long for God knew we needed your humor and prose. Praying for you and Barb this morning!

  2. Good on you, Andrew, I like 'letting go the cherished past'. Our Yorkshire terrier has died, taking with him memories of happy times, now passed, with Mum. I am thankful for the many years of dogdom with our succession of beloved pets but I am embracing new freedoms while I still can. Your star scatters brilliance that many of us benefit from. God bless you and Barb, and the dogs.

  3. I always enjoy your posts when I read them, Andrew. Your humor and insights are always spot on. Blessings to you!

  4. Wow! Beau is beautiful! or should I say handsome? Great Danes are wonderful dogs. I enjoyed both your writings today.

  5. the beau poem made me laugh. Thanks for my second laugh of the day, much appreciated! FMF12

  6. Andrew, I love both of these. Oh, to let go of the cherished, blemished past! That is freedom indeed! You, Barbara, and your dogs touch so many lives! Prayers always. Mary Hood
