Thursday, April 25, 2024


 The Five Minute Friday keyword this week is ALMOST.

I almost had a future,
I almost had a life 
except for one slipped suture 
beneath a surgeon's knife,
and all the rest just fell apart,
and only dreams remain.
I'm left as master of the art
of coping with the pain.
I guess I should be furious
at that mistake which went unseen,
but I'm not even curious 
'bout everything that might have been,
and I turn away because 
it's futile, that which never was.

Four minutes.

Music from Andy Williams, with Almost There


  1. I admire your attitude towards what could've been!

  2. You have such a knack for taking the struggles and putting them to meter. I wonder if your rhymes have been made better by your difficult circumstances, or if you would be just as diligent rhyming out happy and easy circumstances. Your insights are deep.

  3. you're right. There's no in wasting time on the what if of the past and just focus on the now and the future. FMF5

  4. Wise words - there's no sense letting the speculations of what might have been ruin the life we DO have. Moving on is harder than it should be sometimes, but God's always got something good for us! Praying special blessings for you today!

  5. "Don't mourn what might have been", takes a minute to learn. In process...Prayers for you and so sorry about Beau. Mary Hood

  6. No matter what you're hit with, you always have such a good attitude. I have no doubt that one day you will hear, "well done, my good and faithful servant."
