Tuesday, February 20, 2024

What Heaven Awaits? (Tell His Story)

 What is your Heavenly vision,
what is the Paradise you see
beyond this life, this fallen prison...
what will come, what is to be?
Is it like King Arthur's court,
vasty halls and angel choirs,
or is it more Valhalla's fort,
swords and mead and roaring fires?
Are there streets all paved in gold,
or is there grass beneath bare feet?
Is it warm, or ski-ing cold,
and is there chocolate to eat?
Will you arrive by flight or stair,
and who'll be first to greet you there?

Please share your thoughts in the comments!

Music from the Alan Parsons Project, with Closer To Heaven

Sylvia expects ice cream and belly rubs.

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  1. The author of Revelation tries to put the awesome majesty that awaits into words, but I'm thinking there are no words that begin to describe the experience of meeting Jesus face to face and celebrating Him forever.

    1. Linda, I agree. There are no words to describe the joy and glory of Heaven.

  2. I know it will be better than anything I can imagine (1 Cor. 2:9) and that the One who has gone to prepare a place for me knows exactly what I love and need. I picture a youthful body that can do leaps and flips, ride horses, and even fly! Joy, peace, and harmony that are better than the best moments we've ever shared on earth.

    1. Debbie, yes, far better than we can imagine.

      Though, perhaps oddly, I would rather do my flying in an aeroplane, rather than in a flight-capable body.

  3. I have a hard time envisioning the afterlife because my categories are so tied to the here and now.

    1. Michele, good point... though perhaps the joys of the here and now are the joys of Heaven, seen darkly through a glass?

  4. Elisabeth Elliot once said that one reason God hasn't told us more about heaven is that we wouldn't be able to concentrate on what we're supposed to be doing here on earth because of the anticipation. I struggle with entering the unknown--even heaven. But what the Bible does tell us about it is good. And Jesus will be there. And sin won't. And He promises that whatever we suffered on earth will seem like a light thing compared to the glory we'll see there. So I trust I'll love it when I get there.

  5. Andrew, your poem reminds me of the song, I Can Only Imagine, by Mercy Me.

    1. Lisa, I Can Only Imagine is one of our favourites.

  6. I'm sure it will be beyond anything I can imagine.

    1. Grams, yes. Heaven is beyond both our imagining, and our wildest dreams.
