Thursday, February 1, 2024



I'm really sorry that I've been negligent in responding to y'all's comments, and haven't commented on as many of your posts as I'd like to. It's gotten pretty hard to concentrate when I try to write.


Every moment's glorious,
every hour holds it all,
and that's why I'm notorious
in standing hard against the fall
that so many have predicted
is coming down the no lane;
why not let go when life's inflicted
so much heartache, so much pain?
The answer ain't so very tough,
and I will give it here:
I will never have enough
of all that I hold dear,
God's palette of bright sunrise skies,
and the glow of loving eyes.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is WASTE. Let's not waste any time!

Let us not waste any time
in the spread of the Good News
by spoken word, by prose or rhyme
to dissipate the leaden blues
of those who have not yet found Christ,
or those who failed to heed the call.
Our comfort must be sacrificed,
and we must dare to cross the wall
and go into the wilds beyond
to meet doubt and grim skepticism
with that Sunday's gay palm frond
and, week later, He Is Risen!
to give those feeling misbegotten
the knowledge that they're not forgotten.

Four minutes and change, because I got hung up on a rhyme for beyond.

Music from the Foo Fighters, with Walk

Sylvia says, Ice Cream. Don't forget ice cream.


  1. Loving eyes and God's sky paintings are some of the best things in life, Andrew!

  2. The pictures reminded me of "wasting" time to watch the sunset this week. What a blessing!

  3. Beautiful poem today, I agree we must cross the wall, time is coming for Christ return.

  4. Love that line:
    "I will never have enough
    of all that I hold dear"
    Absolutely sums up why we hold onto life so strongly, even with the Christian faith about heaven, eternal life etc.
    Sorry I've been away for such a long time.

  5. The pictures are stunning, Andrew! And I love your poems too. It is so important to make good use of the time God has given us.

  6. Your photos are beautiful, Andrew. Sometimes the best use of our time is to simply bask in the wonder of God's creation.

  7. Amen. He is risen! Inspiring poem in 4 minutes!!

  8. Your photos are so beautiful.
    What an amazing view you have.

  9. Beautiful photos!! And beautiful words too. Reminders that every moment and every gift God gives us is to be enjoyed and used in a way that honors him. Nothing wasted indeed. Praying for you!

  10. Thanks for sharing that encouragement to not waste any time sharing the good news, Andrew. That's a good reminder when life is busy with stuff. Kath, visiting from FMF #18 this week.

  11. Yes and Amen to all of it Andrew!!

  12. Oh darn....again? Mary Hood

  13. Two profound, lovely poems, Andrew. The most beautiful gifts are just that - true gifts. Bless you to live every minute to the full and to feast on His delights.
