Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Question

These have been, physically, the worst of days, and can beg the question, Why?

Am I cursed, or worse, forgotten?

Or is it something else, something whose boundaries I cannot see?

I am tempted to complain
about the turn my life has taken,
to shout at God that He explain
(after, of course, He doth awaken)
exactly what He meant by this;
was my life so really wrong?
Did I make His Bad Guy list?
Was the smell of sin so strong
that He had to hold His nose
and turn His holy head away?
Or was it, maybe, that He chose
this dread place by my side to stay,
weeping with me in the dust,
tears on His cheeks that show His trust?

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is FAR.

I feel so very far from life,
locked into these bitter days
of pain, exhaustion, endless strife
that stays and stays and stays and stays,
but somehow I was made for this,
and know that I cannot return
to a place of peace and bliss;
no, the fact is I must burn
and smell of smoke down to the bone
here in this refining fire,
choosing this place to atone
for my wallowing in mire
of sin that I with joy embraced,
a soul whose core's through flame replaced.

Man, I hate introspection. But at three minutes flat, truth is truth.

This scene from The Chosen gives me a lot of comfort.

Nonetheless, sometimes Sylvia wants to bite God.


  1. Thank you for sharing so honestly! Sometimes I guess asking a lot of questions without pushing for answers straight away is already helpful and empowering.

    1. Katha, yes! It's really the questions we ask that define us.

  2. Trusting God for His grace and strength in the refiners fire, He has got you!

  3. Yes we have watched this particular scene many times. And felt the weight of the trust placed upon our shoulders and our hearts and our lives. A weight that was mostly undefined with acceptance. And then had to accept , turn that weight back over to Jesus and Father God so that we live out His love toward others. - Barbara

  4. Your words are never far away, Your heart is on the line, I am amazed how you are always first to say, what is on your mind.

  5. I think I speak for many of us who are grateful to see your words are still here and you’ve not yet left far, far away. Yet, we also long with you for your restoration in glorious life face to face with our Savior.

    1. Always encouraged by your posts and amazed by your word smithing. Helps me avoid the pity-parties that lurk. I have much to be thankful for as survivor of a hemorrhagic that has affected left side, reducing use of left arm and leg, and surprise, surprise ending participation in church choir and turning any attempt to sing happy birthday to grand kids to an unholy screech. Thankful I can still hug with right arm!

  6. We're in a season of questions as well. Tough stuff. Thank you for your honest words.

  7. I ask questions upon questions upon questions to which He always says to me...lo, I am with you always. He knows you Ps. 139. He is always the answer.

  8. both poems are thought provoking and poignant in their own way. FMF22

  9. Yes, it is such a powerful scene. It is a mystery I cannot quite grasp. He trusts you, Andrew. Blessed are those who have not seen, yet believe. Blessings to you.
