Thursday, September 21, 2023


Someone, somewhere, is looking to you for courage, hope, and inspiration.

Be the miracle.

Lead even when you'd rather not,
lead even when the word sounds hollow,
lead even when you haven't got
a single soul that deigns to follow.
Lead as though you've got a plan,
lead 'gainst body's protestation,
lead because you understand
that there must be a destination
on the other side of night,
past the roaring raging gale,
and that if you survive you might
just be equipped to tell the tale
of the battle's warp and weft
for those who walk footprints you left.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is OPINION. Well, in MY view...

They say that I am arrogant,
but that's unfair, and so untrue,
it's just that there's no argument
that holds against my point of view,
for I am highly educated
in every manly art and game,
and it's often been suggested
that I should enjoy wider fame,
but I am just a humble bloke,
and I once (really!) did err
when I one time I went and spoke
and thus a doubt did find me there,
that I truly thought me quite
in the wrong...but I was right.

Three minutes. Boy, that says something.

Here's Harry Belafonte's calypso take on a kind of leadership 

Sylva's always willing to lead or follow, as long as ice cream awaits.


  1. Yep that's Andrew vaguely serious for a moment then has to turn on a mustard seed to the overly light side. - Yes Barbara here

    1. Thanks, Dear Heart! I do get seriously vague sometimes.

    2. I found that I can lead from the back. Basically allowing others to lead and as long as it is agreeable to me then I allow it.

    3. The anonymous comment was from Ricky Tyler.

    4. Ricky, thank you. Leading from the back may well be the wisest choice.

  2. Leadership is leading when you would rather not, Andrew, for the benefit of those who follow and walk in your footsteps. Both great leadership highlights!

  3. Andrew, your humor and the truth of what we all think about ourselves, shines through every word! Love it!

  4. Your poems are a cup of cool water in a dry and weary land

    1. A cup of cool water in a dry and weary! Thank you so much!

  5. Wow! What beautiful leadership insights! I need to copy this and save it. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Beth, I am really delighted that you feel this is worth saving!

  6. Really love your thoughts on leadership - it involves so much more nuance and humility than we sometimes realize at first glance!

    1. Kym, thank you for this, and please accept my apology for a very late reply. It's been a hard week.

  7. Replies
    1. Yep, Annette, just the once. Every other time I knew I was right.

  8. I hadn't heard that song in probably over half a century, and now I can't get it out of my head, LOL.

    1. Grams, yeah...Harry Belafonte comes to call, and he stays.

  9. Love your witt Andrew. Witty and serious wrapped into one. These are great!
    FMF #2

  10. My husband used to preface certain statements with, 'I have an opinion that ...' Needless to say, I prefer the statements that don't start that way. Once I told him that, that phrase came less and less. I'm grateful ... and more eager to listen.

    1. Linda, I hear you. I used to tell Barb that things could be worse, until she replied that I was being dismissive of her concerns about my situation.

  11. Thank you, Andrew. I very much took in your exhortations on leading. Blessings. x

    1. Dawn, I am delighted that this resonated with you!

  12. Ice-cream is always a motivator! "
    "lead because you understand
    that there must be a destination
    on the other side of night," I love that line. It points us toward hope in what is and what is to come...

  13. Lynn, you nailed it. We have to find the hope in what is to come in what is.
