Thursday, August 31, 2023

Through The Night


Time overtakes.

These pictures were taken at the beginning and end of night.

And last night was laughably awful, with a metastatic tumour fracturing my right humerus. I can still function, with my right arm held hard to my side.

Everything has to be relearned as mirror image. But I look better in a mirror than in life, so it's all good.

I am still here, and grateful.

I look at what's in front of me,
and in a way don't want to start,
because the simple truth, you see
is my body's trying to break my heart
and drive me to a morphine-sleep,
and armchair and a half-read book,
and it's there it wants to keep
captive life that I in pain forsook,
but while at times I must give in,
and while at times I must retreat,
it's something that I can't let win,
for if I do then I will greet
a person whom I've always loathed,
a loser for whom hope has closed.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is ABSENCE. Well, I'm here.

Absence from this, my own place
is inevitable fate,
but no offence unto God's grace,
I intend to make Him wait
as long as I possibly can,
tapping feet and looking bored
with this quite tiresome man
who will not turn and cut the cord
and be pulled up into the blue
by angels and by cheering saints,
but rather will stay stony-true
to a life of nopes and ain'ts
that grew in him, a tangled mess,
watered by his stubbornness.

Three minutes thirty, and maybe that's a bad sign...

And if this is it, let's go with Kenny Loggins

Sylvia prefers ice cream to drama.


  1. yep, let's keep on looking for the rainbows. they're there if we have eyes to see. and they remind us that God keeps His promises. and that's what we cling to and lean into ...

    1. Linda, sometimes I find that rainbows appear at just the right moment, to keep hope alive.

  2. His rainbow reminds us that He is Faithful and True, Andrew.

  3. The pics are my favorite! Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for being a consistent presence on the FMF thread. I enjoy your posts! <3 Jennifer

  4. The photos are beautiful! How wonderful to have that view. And I am so grateful you are such a faithful and consistent part of this linkup!

    1. Joanne, thank you so much. Barb is a photographer, and is teaching me to see with her eyes. I'm so glad that the result is pleasing.

  5. You have an amazing view.
    Selfishly, I'm alway glad to see you still here.

    1. Grams, the view is indeed lovely... and I am delighted to still be here, as well!

  6. That view sure isn't absent, and neither are you. I'm so happy to see you.
    FMF #6

  7. I’m glad you’re not absent today.

  8. God bless you, Andrew. You're here to encourage us, and you do that well! Here in California it was an unusual day. The weather changed.It's cool and slightly wet. Kind of surprised me. Keep on keeping on. All is well. Norma B.

    1. My dear Norma, thank you for this.

      Been a bit unseasonable here too...cooler, and for the most part the monsoon rains have been absent.

  9. Love both poems. Especially love the last lines of the first one. Who wants hope to close? If God should close that door today, "Well done", (not good job), He will surely say. Glad I read this today. I surely need it, not as much as maybe you but I am interceding on your behalf. And I am Mary Hood. It won't let me go beyond anonymous which is funny because lately that is where the Lord wants me.

    1. Mary, the closure of hope is absolutely the worst thing!

      There are times I think God wants me anonymous, too. I'm OK with that

  10. for some reason your second poem made me grin. :) FMF15

  11. So often I forget to seek out the rainbow!
    And thank you for ending with ice cream! Always a happy finish!

  12. No one will be calling you a loser, Andrew!! Always the first to pip the post! Blessings to you all.

    1. Sorry, I was anonymous, but don't know what nony means! #18

  13. Beautiful photos, beautiful poems and thoughts, and I'm so glad you're not absent. Prayers for you are not absent either, dear friend.

    1. Kym, I am glad I am not absent, as well, and even more grateful that prayers are present.

      It's been a dreadful week. Prayers help.
