Thursday, June 15, 2023

Always Chasing Rainbows


I really like rainbows. When I see one here, I'll always call Barb out to look.

I even used a double rainbow on the cover of my novel Emerald Isle.

Rainbows are better than cancer.

I treasure my own rainbow;
it was given me by God,
and up and down it angels go
with feet quite neatly shod
in moccasins and bowling shoes
and gaily striped Adidas,
some packing heat (now this is news),
mainly old Henry repeaters.
They skate across the prism,
none staying in their lane,
and sing that He is risen,
and praise His holy name
giving thanks that we are now reborn,
as the rainbow ends the storm.

Why gun-toting angels? When I wrote this the only word I could think of that rhymed, more or less, with Adidas was repeaters. Since then I realized that I could have used, say, Doritos, but I'm really too lazy to change it.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is SUNSHINE. Goes well with rainbows.

The clouds ride on the eastern hills,
the valley sees the rain.
It is good, and as God wills,
but the storm does not remain,
and as the sun moves down the sky,
in sunshine is reborn
the message that came from on high
when Noah's world was torn.
Came the trauma and the Flood,
came the endless rolling seas...
then came the quickening of blood
and grace dropped Noah to His knees
when the promise shone its light
that all one day would be put right.

Four minutes and a bit.

Music from The Rolling Stones, with the oddly sweet She's A Rainbow.

McDonald's used to have rainbow syrup for ice cream. Sigh.


  1. No matter how many rainbows I may have seen, each one continues to amaze me and leave me in awe of our God. Each one shouts of the faithfulness of God to us and His grace and mercy towards us. May we hold onto the promises He has given!

    1. Joanne, I completely agree. Definitely no seen one seen 'em all feeling! They are a gentle gift and blessing.

  2. I am always delighted to see a rainbow in the sky--and thankful that it signifies God's promise to us. I'm also thankful for sunshine on the garden and beautiful sunsets. I'm not often up for the sunrise.

    1. Carol, rainbows are indeed so comforting. Rarely, here, do I see a morning rainbow, but when present they have a special quality, perhaps found in their rarity?

  3. Didn't intend to be anonymous. Have a blessed weekend!

  4. I enjoyed the visual I imagined with the Adidas-shod, gun-toting angels. Some of them were also eating Doritos. LOL I think it's a universal thing that we're all intrigued by rainbows, but how much more when we know the promise they represent.

    1. Kym, I'm so glad you enjoyed this...and that you share my wonder and delight in the promise of the rainbow.

  5. Replies
    1. Rhonda, thank you! That's the first time I've ever been Twittered!

  6. I love both poems! Yes, rainbows and sunshine go together! Rebirth and "SONshine" go together too! I like the idea of angels eating doritos.

    1. Mary, thank you...and I'm delighted that you liked the thought of Dorito-chomping angels.

  7. Replies
    1. Grams, thank you. I love taking pictures of rainbows.

  8. Rainbows galore! They are each a treat as well as a promise. Love the poems!

    1. Thank you! It's been an awful cancer'd week. I so treasure rainbows.

  9. I love rainbows too, Andrew! God has used rainbows many times in our lives to lift our sights heavenward again, usually when we need it most. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Kath, I do think God designed rainbows to make us look up.

  10. I just saw this quote on someone else's blog and it made me think of you and Sylvia -- "Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone."

    ~Jim Fiebig

  11. I love the rainbow photos. I always tend to stop and take a photo when I see one too.

    1. Lesley, I think rainbows pause to pose for photos.

  12. Andrew, your rainbow photos are stunning! God does speak to us through rainbows, doesn't He? Last summer, when we were going through a very scary season, I went for a walk one morning. As I was praying and asking God for reassurance about something, I turned around, and there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. The thing is, it hadn't been raining . . . that reminder that God sees me and is working on the situation gave me such comfort and reassurance. Loved your poems, my friend. You and Barb are in my prayers!
