Thursday, April 27, 2023

Bonhomme Richard

Do you see the face in the clouds, top centre?

Sometimes it feels like the beginning of my end.

Feelings lie.

It's not even the end of the beginning.

It's been bad and getting worse,
can't walk across the bloody room
without breath rasping as a curse
that paints a picture of my doom,
and nothing's helping anymore,
not cheap cigars nor beer nor wines,
and I see a swinging door
leading to my end of times.
But I remember what I was,
though I wasn't worth a lot.
I only mention this because
what I was is what I've got,
and in the fading of the light,
I've not yet begun to fight.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is PERSIST. Appropriate.

They ask me why do I persist,
and not give up and die?
I'll tell you, mate, if you insist:
love's the reason why.
I love all aspects of my life,
the fabric of my days,
my dogs, the cat, and my dear wife,
and, of course, the God I praise
by giving every day my all,
and giving every job my best.
Sometimes what I can do is small,
but I force myself to pass the test
to care more than I can afford
as a present to the Lord.

Four minutes fifteen. That'll do

Music from Sister Hazel (opening in a new window) with All For You.

Sylvia approves.


  1. Love is the greatest gift of all, Andrew! May the Lord give you and Barb grace and strength as you continue to walk this journey together.

    1. Lisa, thank you for this. God is here, walking with us, hand in Hand.

  2. Love is such a precious gift, is it not, Andrew. May the Lord continue to give you and Barb all you need each day. You are a blessing!

    1. Joanne, love is the only thing that makes life worthwhile.

  3. Your sonnets today are beautiful and heartbreaking, and it seems to me a precious sacrifice of praise. Praying for you!

    1. Kym, thank you for this. At the end of the road, praise is all we have.

      It's enough.

  4. I agree with Kym... " a precious sacrifice of praise" .. Thank you for sacrificing Andrew - not just for Barb, your cats, your dogs and our dear Lord, but for us too. Seriously. Thank you.

    1. The sacrifice really isn't a sacrifice.

      It's a blessing.

  5. persistence is your middle name, Andrew.

    1. Linda, thank you!

      And please forgive my slow response to your posts. Gmail is weird.

  6. Never give up Andrew. Do your very best to enjoy each day to the best of your ability. When I go through heartbreak, physical, mental and emotional pain I am thankful for the love of God, my husband and my two dogs. You are never alone. God is with you every minute of every day. Terri D #9 FMF.

    1. Terri, know this...your honest clarity keeps me strong.

  7. God implanted in you (us) the love of life. Love life in all its forms.

  8. Love is the greatest reason of all! Thank you for continuing to write and share.

    1. Love is indeed the only thing worth the fight.

  9. A beautiful and poignant sonnet, Andrew. A precious sacrifice of praise to the Lord, and an inspiration to the rest of us.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Love truly is the greatest motivator of all.

    1. Grams, thank you so much for this.

      Your friendship, support, and love mean so much to me!

  10. keep fighting and writing Andrew. FMF17

    1. I sure will, Annette.

      Today Barb and I saw a hawk flash past, very low.

      The fight's worthwhile, for shared moments like that.

  11. Andrew, my heart aches for all you and Barb are walking through. I always appreciate your perspectives on life. You continue to fight the good fight, my friend. Thank you for being an inspiration. Continuing to pray for you and Barb.

    1. Jeanne, thank you so much for your prayers.

      I'm OK with this. It's God's will.

      Barb, not so much. She needs support, and has a hard time accepting it.

  12. You got it right. It's bad, yet God is with you, carrying you along, giving you a song, making special moments come, despite it all. It's amazing, really. Andrew, I wish you the best! Norma

    1. My dear Norma, I do indeed have the best. After the worst week so far, I can still turn it into a joke.

      And why not? God is good, His will is loving, and though this is a fallen world, all will come right in the end.
