Thursday, January 12, 2023

Taco Belle


Belle does love a good taco;
in fact, she finds them great,
and since she is muy flaco,
she don't worry 'bout her weight.
But she thinks God had the dumbs
when He did not address
a dog's need for opposable thumbs
so's not to make a mess,
but that does not deter the beast
from chowing right on down,
and she will not in the least
wear a worried frown,
for she is, yeah, one smart pup,
keeps me around for cleaning up.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is RECEIVE. Oh, goody.

The taco that Belle has received
has stirred up envy in the pack,
and there's no way she can deceive
them of their quite obvious lack
of a tasty Latin treat
that is the grace of foodie graces,
so she just sat down to eat
it right before their doggy faces.
Not as dumb as it may seem,
for she is a wolf, you see,
and no canine would ever dream
of giving her the heartfelt glee
of making a food-stealing try,
for that's a nasty way to die.

A bit less than three minutes, there. Makes me feel like the Michael Jordan of sonnetry.

But it's not completely accurate. The Chihuahuas can steal her blind, and she just looks mildly on.

Barb found this video on Facebook. It's appropriate.

Sylvia would like some vanilla ice cream flavoured tacos, please.



  1. Replies
    1. So glad you enjoyed the video, Grams! Barb was so happy to have found it, just in time to be used.

      The blog's a team effort now.

  2. Andrew! I didn't realize the first link up was you. I was away for a good while. Love your quick wit. Reminds me of my son. How do I have a 17 yr old again? Cute pups. We love ours too. Hope you are well!

    1. I'm so glad that you're back! Missed you!

      Cancer's kinda hard but I'm living the dream. Caring for the dogs is one of the things that keeps me alive.

  3. So heartwarming. :) Thank you. :)

  4. Belle sounds like she is the princess of the pack, Andrew.

    1. Lisa, yes... Belle is The Princess, and she KNOWS it.

  5. Loved the poems and the video - too funny! So good to see you after the holiday break.

    1. Kym, thank you, and it's great to see you as well!

  6. But Andrew... she doesn't look like a wolf! Perhaps she's a sheep in disguise pretending to be a taco-eating wolf. :) FMF20

    1. Hmmm, may be onto something. But I won't tell Belle...she THINKS she's a wolf!

  7. Loved the poem :) This line made me giggle just imagining it "The Chihuahuas can steal her blind, and she just looks mildly on." Happy new year!

    1. Wemi, I'm so glad you enjoyed the wolf-Chihuahua interplay. Happy New Year back!

  8. It must be nice to be part wolf. One must feel the advantage. I wonder if they crave thumbs. Both poems are so fun to read. Can't see the video. I went off FB for a while. Too much drama for this girl right now.

    1. Mary, I'm glad you enjoyed this. When Belle arrived she would take the occasional thumb, but has moderated some.

      I only really visit FB to announce these posts. Barb does the heavy lifting there.

  9. Brother Andrew!!! Wow... I didn't mean to fade out of blogging but - you know how life can get bossy! What a joy to link up again with Five Minute Friday and find you - right there in that top spot... I have prayed for and thought of you often over the last couple of years. Continued prayers going up now! (So nice to see Barb and the dogs, too!)

    1. Karrilee, it is SO GOOD to see you! I do know how messy life can get.

      We truly appreciate the prayers. It's been physically rough for me, but no complaints. God's in charge.

  10. The dog video was hilarious Andrew!
    Blessings, Jennifer

    1. Jennifer, I am so glad you enjoyed the video. Blessings back!

  11. What a fun sonnet about your taco-loving friend 😊. Our dogs loved sweet potatoes.

  12. Andrew, both sonnets were great. Belle looks like such a sweet dog. And that video? Hilarious!! I'm praying for you all.

    1. Jeanne, thanks so much. I'm really glad you liked this. And Belle is indeed a sweetheart.

      Thank you so much for your prayers!
