Thursday, December 15, 2022

When It's Early In The Morning


This is an "I just woke up, why the **** are you taking my picture????" of Barb.

The picture is posted with her permission. Otherwise I would be meeting Jesus sooner rather than later, and suffer Him and His Da (and the Spook) making fun of me.

I think, though, that the happy snap captures her kindness and loving heart and sense of fun at their best.

She's simply ravishing. Don't you agree?

Still, she is not a Morning Person. Fortunately, I am, for the Car Alarm (two Chihuahuas) goes off before the sun can be troubled to rise. An thus begins the day.

Long before the sunrise
(I love it, please don't scoff)
wakefulness comes to the guys
and the Car Alarm goes off.
The Chihuahuas start to yammer,
then Jax the Labrador
with great paws will hammer
upon the kitchen floor.
Strawberry the Mastiff
will yell and scream and shout
to inquire of the chances if
she might be allowed out,
and to say that if I hesitate,
cleaning up will be my fate.

I've seen owls and shooting stars in the predawn sky. And I have a lovely sheepskin coat from a company called Film Jackets.

Life is good.

And since it's Christmas, y'all get a second sonnet, ABSOLUTELY FREE! (You need only pay shipping and handling.)

'Twas the night before Christmas 
and back at the ranch
big 'ol Cousin Gus
sat on a tree branch,
just as high as he could get
in a great and mighty oak.
He'd be sittin' there still yet,
but the gol-durn thing done broke,
and it sent him fast a-crashing
right straight down the tall ol' tree,
but the only thing was smashing
was his manly dignity
'cause when off trunk his fall did glance
the gnarly bark done stripped his pants.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is WITNESS. Ok, watch!

I have witnessed many things,
some I wished I could forget,
but memory has golden wings,
and has covered vain regret
with a sheen of understanding,
and a knowledge of some truth,
that each soul must find a landing
on the other side of youth.
Everything that I have seen
has made me what I am today,
and though at night I often dream
of this, wond'ring why it's this way,
I trust the Lord that made my heart
to validate what's been my part.

It wrote itself, just under four minutes.

The most appropriate song here is Early In The Morning , by Vanity Fare. It is a lovely haunting melody, with silky smooth vocals. (You may know Vanity Fare better from Hitchin' A Ride.

Sylvia's a Morning Person too, as long as breakfast includes ice cream.



  1. Your Twas the Night, made me laugh out loud although the dogs final bark resistai probably kept you from hearing. Very clever. Barbara.
    PS, I haven't quite worked 1st shift as many years as i worked 2nds. But between the years and my back, 1st is becoming more the norm.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Dear Heart!

      And you're always First Shift to me!

    2. And 2nd shift and 3rd shift aa needed

  2. Barb seems sweet! Thanks for sharing your other half with us! All three poems were great! And so true, if we hesitate, then cleaning will be our fate.

    1. Lisa, Barb is indeed a sweetheart, and yeah, with a Mastiff desperate to go out, hesitation is a no-no.

  3. Barb is beautiful! I also appreciate your perspective on the word witness. The sunrise pictures are beautiful, even though I enjoy sunsets even more. I am not a morning person, My son is though, and he helps both his sister and me think and function in the mornings. I am praying for you and Barb. - Jolene

    1. Jolene, Barb is indeed lovely, and says Thank You!

      I love sunsets, too, and even love 3am in a clear and frosty night.

      Thank you so much for your prayers.

  4. Ha, 3 for the price of 1 today!!
    What a bargain! And doubly so to meet dear Barb.

    1. Fiona, thanks! And Barb is delighted to meet YOU.

  5. Today was an added bonus!!! Andrew, your humor is a gift, and so is Barb whose photo truly shows her kindness and love. Praying for you both this morning!

    1. Joanne, kindness and love are Barb's hallmarks

      I'm so glad you enjoyed the poems, and we thank you for your prayers.

  6. some sonnets do that don't they.. literally write themselves. well done. :) FMF10

    1. Annette, yes...they really do write themselves sometimes. Weird.

  7. The first two poems are so clever, and yes, I agree, Barb is lovely indeed. You are blessed to have each other! Your Witness sonnet is full of truth and trust. More blessings!

    1. Kym, thank you for this. I'm just so blessed by our marriage!

  8. All three poems are amazing, and it's lovely to see Barb!

  9. ahhh! what a delight this post was! thank you for sharing! looking forward to your poems each Friday!

    1. Daisy, I am honoured...and even though there's no FMF this week, I will still be here.

  10. I thoroughly enjoyed you sharing some of your morning and world with us. Thank you. Barb is indeed beautiful. Merry Christmas to you both. x

    1. Dawn, thank YOU; it's a privilege.

      Barb thanks you for your kind words. Merry Christmas right back XOXO.
