Thursday, November 17, 2022


 Ok, so these days just aren't going
just the way that I had planned;
there's no way that I'll be knowing
what may be the next at hand,
but each day still holds every hour
that the Lord above ordained,
and it is my choice to be sour,
or to live each with unfeigned
gratitude for every smallest blessing,
and for the biggest blessings, too,
for to be truthful, I'm confessing
that, 'till now, I never knew
that so much could be provided
with joy and pain left undivided.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is LAUGH. It's what I do best!

If you cannot laugh at this,
you really are not trying,
so give the whole darn thing a miss,
'cause what's the point in dying
if its humour hides from you,
and puking becomes tragedy;
I mean, what else is there to do
but just not take it seriously
along with its most bestest pal
(yes, I mean incontinence)
which makes you race on down the hall
just to stumble at the fence
of quickly taking down your jeans,
and you can guess just what that means.

Four minutes flat, no apologies.

Music from Van Halen, with Jump.

Sylvia will jump for ice cream.



  1. 2022 has had some blessings that we've not revealed because they are long time wish list things that now are being fulfilled. Items like:
    Barb's new walk through baby gate. Finally she doesn't have to step over a gate or bend down to remove the gate when her back is bad. Or a gifted rotisserie, now to find a place to use it. Or the blessings a friends near and far, when life gets overwhelming for us both. Or the peace in the midst of struggle that allows the next step in the day, the next full nights sleep, the next right words that are not your own.
    Many of you have prayed prayers and God has been present along the way in His way, His timing, His knowing. For those we Thank you. Barbara

    1. Thank you for this, truly, Dear Heart.

    2. You both have been in many hearts! Thank you for sharing the gifts - and the laughs.

    3. Karen, thank you so very much. Life itself, however straitened, is a gift.

  2. Sometimes all we can do is laugh, Andrew. Sometimes it's hard to know which laugh will arise - the good hardy laugh/chuckle or the hit the elbow on the wall laugh/chackle.

    1. Lisa, you're right...there are two kinds of laugh, one born of pleasure, the other of pain...but I suspect God hears them both alike.

  3. Andrew, your ability to laugh, and to make us all laugh, is a gift. I'm sure laughter has gotten both you and Barb through many a day. Praying for you both this morning.

    1. Joanne, thank you so much for this. Laughter...and eye-rolling.. has gotten us through a lot.

  4. Andrew you are so right. Without humor, we are all sinking. Love both of your poems and I laughed right out loud! Prayers continue!

    1. Mary, thank you so much. I'm so glad you enjoyed this, and we thank you for your prayers!

  5. The ability to laugh and to find joy in the midst of pain and trouble is a gift of God, and I believe you demonstrate it so well! God is good, even when our lives are not. Praying for you both!

    1. Kym, I love this, that God is good even when our lives are not. Beautiful!

  6. I just read another's post with a similar sentiment. And it's one I've used in my cancer journey as well: If I don't laugh, I will cry. Not that crying is bad, but the ability to laugh when we're experiencing frustration, sickness, side effects, and many other things out of our control, is a blessing. I am grateful God has given us this ability, especially as we face the things cancer - and its treatment - does to our bodies. Keep laughing, Andrew!

    1. Heather, exactly... choose to laugh or be forced into tears. Perfect!

  7. I hope you Thanksgiving comes filled with rest and hope, friend. I’m grateful that we get to do this blogging life together …

    1. Linda, I am replying on Thanksgiving, while watching the National Dog is good.

  8. Continued prayers for you on this difficult leg of your journey Home. You have been a faithful steward of your gift of prose--encouraging me in so many ways as I read them. I'm in awe of how freely the words flow from your heart and how you can find blessings to share in the midst of your trials. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and keep laughing. You are both covered with the prayers of many friends.
    ~ Cindie at FMF #28

    1. Cindie, thank you so much for this lovely affirmation, and for your prayers.
