Thursday, October 13, 2022

Mirror, Mirror

I am going to have fun this week.

If you can't laugh at cancer, why even have it?

I really can't be clearer
in what I'm telling you;
when feeling down, I get a mirror
and just enjoy the view.
It's not that I'm good looking;
I've left that term behind
with biceps that are cooking,
and smile to eas'ly blind
someone who had not the sense
to quickly don their shades.
I really do not mean offense,
but the way that I was made
puts me upon a GQ page
while others simply show their age.

Last week I referenced high fevers and the old fried-egg-this-is-your-brain-on-drugs commercial...well, here's the link!

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is COMPROMISE. That's a big word. I like small words better, so...

You may sigh and roll your eyes,
and whisper that I'm odd,
but I don't think I'll compromise
with life, the world, or God.
I've seen fashions come and go
(and most are better gone),
but there's one that lets me know
the planet that I'm on,
so bring gold chains, slick back the hair,
button silk shirt halfway up,
channel Travolta through Astaire
and drink deep of the disco cup
because I am a true believer
in Bee Gees and the Sat Night Fever.

There! Five minutes, and with a squirrelly brain keypad too!

Appropriate music for today can only come from Right Said Fred.

And in the interest of transparency, I do still work out and eat right (and, yes, both REALLY hurt), and do look a bit like this bloke in the video (think Asian, shoulder-length dark hair with fashionable sun highlights, and NO I will not post a picture).

Well, OK. Here's a picture. It's just not a picture of me.

Sylvia would roll her eyes (as Barb is doing as I write), but she could thereby miss a lick of ice cream to the Chihuahua Pirates.



  1. You brought yet another smile this morning! May joy surround you, my friend. 🥰

    1. Karen, I am so glad you enjoyed this, and would add a link to St. Francis' prayer:

      Not to be entertained, but to entertain.

  2. I always appreciate you humor, Andrew! (Hi to Barb as she looks over your shoulder!)

    1. Lisa, thank you so much. I just have fun having fun.

  3. Your attitude is so refreshing.

    FMF #6 this week

    1. Barb, thank you. A good attitude has been needed. I'm bleeding internally, and really need to be able to take a joke.

  4. I am so grateful to the humor you bring each week!

  5. I love the humor in your post. Each line hit a note in my musical past. Fun to read!

    1. Rhonda, I am so glad you found some fun here!

  6. There you go, making us reflect and smile all over again, friend. I hope this weekend's had some bright spots for you and Barbara and your 4-footed friends.

    1. Aw, Linda, was a good weekend and week, uncontrollable bleeding notwithstanding. But if you can't laugh at it, why have cancer to begin with?

  7. I love this, Andrew!! You made me laugh - again!! Stopping by from #11 this week.

    1. Kath, that's so good to hear, that you laughed. It's truly the best medicine, laughter.

  8. I love how you can make us laugh even in the midst of your struggles! I'm always inspired by your positive attitude.

  9. Andrew love your poem and sense of humor!! No offense but I'd rather see pictures of the dogs...LOL and I love that old commercial about what your brain looks like on drugs!!!

    1. Donna, yeah, the dogs are really more photogenic!

      And I always loved that commercial too!

  10. I’ve been absent from the blogging world for quite a while but tonight I am more than blessed to read something written by you, Andrew! Another reminder that God’s timing is rarely ours and HE is in control. Blessings to you, you are a master wordsmith!

    1. Candacejo, thank you for this. I'm just so glad you're here.

  11. Andrew, you crack me up. :) Okay, so I may have had a time when I really, ahem, liked the BeeGee's. "Staying Alive" may have been my favorite song...I so appreciate your sense of humor, my friend. Sending prayers and hugs to you and Barb.

  12. Jeanne, I always loved the Bee Gees. Not as much as ABBA, but close.

    Thank you so much for the prayers and hugs!
