Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Embrace Is The Test

I used to think of myself as a warrior, and of cancer as the enemy.

Didn't realize I could be that dumb.

No, cancer's not pleasant (and having a perpetually broken arm due to metastasis kinda sucks), but it's real, it's what's there...and it's not personal.

Fighting it as if it was a kind of single-combat knightly joust was helpful for awhile, but in the end it was draining.

Learning to embrace this experience, however much I might prefer it to be something's the hardest thing I've ever done.

It's also the most rewarding, because I can, at last, clearly see and feel the blessings in which I have been daily bathed.

I did not see this truth at first,
but know now it's a test:
if you cannot embrace the worst,
you won't accept the best.
This life's a chiaroscuro game,
light and shade defines the rules,
and in our hearts we find the same,
saints and beggars, knaves and fools,
and thus we must take in the whole, drink it down without a flinch
to nourish an expanding soul,
ounce by ounce and inch by inch
until we come to gifted right
that Christ bought, eternal light.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is TOGETHER. Hmmm...

Together we have got this far,
together we have chased the sun,
together we have wrecked a bar
or three, just while having fun.
Together we have danced in glee,
together we have wept in sorrow,
but now I fear that there will be
no 'together' on the morrow.
I think I will be leaving soon,
and know that I must document
the mundane done from noon to noon
with a clear precise intent
that taxes, mortgage, these and more
will have no fell surprise in store.

Four minutes of hard truth. Don't want to do THAT again.

Music from the Fab Four, with Let It Be.

Sylvia is delighted to embrace ice cream, especially McDonald's vanilla.



  1. Andrew, I just want to say thank you again. My son is still missing, And my faith in just the "simple" goodness of God has definitely seen better days... but YOU, what you are learning and sharing and enduring...YOUR life words make Jesus real and true and worth hanging onto. You matter. Thank you. (Jane Williams.... it doesn't like my url's anymore :) )

    1. Jane, my golly, I don't know what to say except that we're praying for you, and that I am so humbly grateful for your affirmation.

  2. oh, Andrew, I've heard from others how they've learned to embrace or rather "not fight as an enemy" serious conditions they have to deal with. Doesn't change the battle, but it changes the intent/the thought behind it doesn't it? Keep well, lean on God all the more.

    1. You're absolutely right. Changing the intent, shifting the paradigm from combative to cooperative (which sounds weird, with cancer) is liberating.

  3. What a journey you have been on - learning all sorts of profound things. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    1. Fiona, thank you so much. It's been quite a trip, but I wouldn't trade it away.

  4. Andrew, all I could think of is - "Look at how far you have come together!" May we all continue to encourage one another in our respective journeys, until the day we are all together with Him!

    1. Joanne, thank you...and you're so right that on this side of Heaven, mutual encouragement in Christ is the best thing we've got.

  5. So I saw Kate's word, "together" and knew I had to stop by to say that I am grateful she has brought us together. What a gift you are to me. Bless you!

    1. Well, dear Karen, you brought tears to my eyes, of joy and gratitude.

      Your friendship is more valued to me than I can say, and that my heart can hold.

      I'll stand you a Foster's in Heaven.

  6. You do so much more, you savor each day.

    1. Rhonda, I am so honoured. Thank you for this.

  7. Thank you for your very inspired and inspiring post - I feel humbled to be in your "company". Praying for you as you pass through this very testing trial, that Father God will continue to carry both of you until you reach the other side and live fully in His presence
    Just stopped by from FMF #14

    1. Heather, I am in my turn humbled by your gracious affirmation, and we thank you so much for your prayers!

  8. Your attitude always inspires me and teaches me so much. Thank you for allowing us to share in this journey with you. It's amazing how far we have come together!

    1. Lesley, thank YOU, for being here. It's been a great trip. Wouldn't have missed it for the world.

  9. Your poems of truth and grace and humor always cut right to the heart of the matter. Thank you for sharing the wisdom with us.

    1. Kym, I have no words but a humble and sincere Thank You.

  10. Thank you for the dog pictures, and for your words (not in that order). Sending love and prayers to you and Barb.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Paula, and it's cool to like the dog pictures more!

      Love back, and we're praying for you.

  11. I didn't realise, when answering your response to MY post, that your post was about embracing the truth. Wow, how profound that we were both talking about that in the context of 'together'. I'm so grateful that we have come together in the context of FMF. I have learnt a great deal from you, mostly to be grateful and embrace the journey. Bless you, Andrew.

    1. Kath, I've learned much from you as well, and am so grateful that we met!

  12. Accepting what is part of our life - the whole deal is hard without grace!

    1. Corrine, you're so right... grace is the only road to accepting the hard things.
