Thursday, March 3, 2022

It's Their World, We Just Live In It

I should be writing about Ukraine, about unjust war and a suffering that could have been prevented.

Think I shall write of Chihuahuas, instead.

It's not that I don't care, but I am nearly bedridden now. Barb has let me set up my tools to where I can reach them, to work on things I hope are worthwhile in our life.

I can still help with the dogs; all of my mobility is spent there.

I can't keep up with the Chi's (they're FAST!), but Belle can, and I can watch.

But just sometimes, I CATCH 'em!

These are super-sized Chihuahuas. They weigh about 25 lbs each, and have the cheerily pugnacious stance of Corgis.

The house, it has been giver o'er
to Chihuahuas now;
we can just ask them whither go'er,
and when you get there, how
will Belle the Wolf ensure return
when you're 'neath the furniture,
or do you want that we might learn
that there truly is no cure
for the wild exploring minds
of these very smallest mutts
that no given moment finds
them sitting on their furry butts,
but rather charging, flag unfurled
through front door, look out, world!

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is CARRY; appropriate, given the picture above.

For Chi's they really weigh a lot
for they've been super-sized by God,
and what you see is what we've got,
but surely they're not flawed,
just blessed with maybe too much size
(not all can be the teacup kind),
but when you see their loving eyes,
you know that you won't mind
having legs go tingle-numb
when they sit in your lap,
for you happ'ly have become
caught within that tender trap
of love for which we always yearn
that dogs are best-placed to return.

Four minutes! Guess it was on my heart!

Music from Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, with Tijuana Taxi.

Have you ever tried Mexican Vanilla ice cream? It's Syl's favourite.


  1. Andrew, I hope you don't mind, but I shared a story that you shared with me on my blog today. Here's the link for you and your readers: Enjoy! God is making us brand new (emotionally), but it takes some time. It's fun to see your new family members. Wishing you the best.

  2. Good to read a joy story/poem.
    Thank you!

    1. Fiona, in the end, with Christ, I think life IS joy.

  3. I enjoyed reading about the chihuahuas and seeing the photos. We all need a bit of light relief at times from everything that is going on in the world just now.

    1. Lesley, the Chi's sure are light relief. This morning they decided to gang up on Labby The Giant Labrador.

      They won. Labby is traumatized.

  4. I am so glad your new additions are bringing you joy!

    1. Joanne, they sure are a joy, and they figure out new ways to entertain every day.

  5. Dogs are pure love, aren't they? Good examples for all of us.

    1. Karen, dogs are pure love, with a God-sized dollop of mischief mixed in.

  6. Great to hear about the chihuahuas!

    1. Tish, thanks. It's been an incredibly rough week for me, and I thank God for sending them as bright and clownish lights.

  7. I can imagine your Chihuahuas running throughout your house and hiding under the furniture, Andrew. They sound like busy toddlers (even though their probably older. Ha!) They look like their trying to smile in the above picture. I appreciate this, "See their loving eyes...and caught in the tender trap of love."

    1. Lisa, I am so glad you can 'see' them. They push the envelope a bit more each day, and have learned to completely confound Belle, who gets frustrated, sits, and howls.

  8. I've not tried Mexican ice cream of any variety... perhaps someday I might have the chance. So glad those pups are a good fit.

    1. Annette, Mexican vanilla is worth seeking out. It has a gently spiced taste and aftertaste... really unique.

  9. I didn't realize Chihuahuas got that big! 25 pounds seems like a lot. Sorry to hear that you are bedridden. Will be praying for you.

    1. Cindy, I didn't know they got that big either. The AKC breed standard says the smaller the more conforming... but even these big 'uns are still Chihuahuas.

      Thanks so much for your prayers!

  10. Wow, I've never seen such large chihuahuas. I did not know they could get so big. Glad they're bringing you joy.

    1. Grams, they are definitely of surprising size, but in character are 'all Chihuahua'.

  11. Praying for you - and smiling about your super-sized Chi's!
    Just stopped by from FMF#34

    1. Heathy, thanks so much for your prayers...and the Chi's yip yip a hearty hello!

  12. those are BIG babies! like lifting weights again, yes?!

    1. Linda, exactly right, it is a weight-lifting exercise...though I rather think they might object to being used for bicep curls!

  13. I love your poetry, Andrew. You are so clever with words. And we have a chihuahua too.

    1. Kath, you made my day with this affirmation...and having had the Chi's for two weeks, we can't imagine life without them.

  14. We had a Chih,her name was Sooty. My second daughter adored her.
    They can be lively little things!
    Bless you,

    1. Jennifer, Chi's are indeed lively. Barb had to work late last night, and they were throwing hissy fits that scared the other dogs.

      They take 'first in line' as divine right.
