Thursday, February 10, 2022

Thinking Of Heaven

This week has been so hard. I try not to think about heart and duty are here... but sometimes I do.

It feels wrong, feels like I am trying to distract myself from the cancer fight.

I don't want to go, but it's getting really hard to stay.

This life's a hopeful journey
(should be, at any rate),
and when we reach Eternity
and pass through Heaven's gate
we'll see our friends' real faces,
and they'll see ours as well.
We'll speak of far wild places;
the stories that we'll tell!
The writers' paper children
play with welders' kids of steel,
and come, when they are bidden
to the table-bending meal,
raise beery mugs in noisy toasts
to the gracious Lord of Hosts.

The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is COMMIT. I'll try.

I'm committed to this road
that wanders through the dark wild wood,
and though now my back is bowed,
and I ain't feelin' good,
I will push on with strength that's left,
although I'm fading fast.
The painful warp and bleeding weft
of life belie my past
of health and joyous bonhomie,
where laughter never lacked;
was this a true part of me
or just an artifact
of easy days and sunny skies
that now, in this trial, quails and flies?

I'd like to think that the question in mirror of this sonnet doesn't reflect me, that even at the worst moments (of which this, as I write, is one), but as some Dead Greek Dude once said, the unexamined life is not worth living.

OK, I've examined it. Can I please go play now?

Five minutes and a few seconds. I'll take it.

Music from The Alan Parsons Project, with the hauntingly lovely Closer To Heaven.

Sylvia asks what the problem is... there's ICE CREAM in Heaven!



  1. Andrew, I have committed to praying for you since I first connected with you in FMF. Your words have been inspirational to me and have helped me to commit to my own passions. Keep fighting! Your words are so needed and making a difference in this world.

    1. Lauren, thank you so very much for this lovely affirmation, and especially for your prayers. Please pardon the late reply; it's been a rough week.

  2. May we all be committed to the life given to us.

    1. Fiona, this is great, to have commitment to the life God gives!

  3. Andrew, I Have been praying for you and Barb for so long. Your commitment to show up here each week has been amazing to me. You remind me that no matter how hard this journey may get, may we stay committed to finish with a tenacity and a faithfulness that brings God glory. Friend, you are doing just that!

    1. Joanne, thank you so much for this...the commitment has not been easy, sometimes, but always worthwhile.

      We're so grateful for your prayers!

  4. You have been fighting so very long - I know you are committed to Barb and the fur babies - but when it's time please know it's okay to let go. I don't say that glibly - you know that. xo

    1. Susan, thank you... there will be a time to go, and at that point, I will...

      ,,,and will meet up with you on the other side!

  5. (((( ANDREW ))))

    You remind me of Queen Elizabeth, with your commitment to serving your whole life. And I greatly admire Her Majesty The Queen.

    Annie in Texas

    1. ((((((((ANNIE!!!!!!!!))))))))

      You do me such high honour!

  6. your ready ability to write poetry will long inspire me Andrew. Thank you for that gift.

    1. Annette, you've long been my inspiration, and your example gave me the courage to try.

  7. Praying for continued grace for you and your wife as you transition from here to your forever home. Your authenticity is inspiring, and your wit is so humorous. I appreciate your perseverance and continued "giving" in your writing gift. I appreciate you!

    1. Lisa, I'm so grateful for your words, and for the heart and care behind them. Thank you so much!

  8. Your faithfulness in writing not just here but a lovely poem everywhere you comment is inspiring. Thank you. As always, I'm praying for you and for Barb.

    1. Kym, I am honoured... thank you for this, and especially for your prayers.

  9. Yes, go play now. Sometimes that's the absolute best thing we can do.

    1. Linda, yes! Playing can be the bestest choice, the one that makes God smile!

  10. I think we should all think more of about heaven. What a day that will be when our Jesus we will see. Let it bring you comfort during the most difficult times! That's what He wants from us, to look upon Him and draw from His strength.

    1. Cindy, I am very inclined to think you're right, and that thinking more about Heaven has the added benefit of making us better in this life.

  11. Yes go play now. I pray that you do have opportunities to play and rest in the midst of this battle that you are fighting. I am praying for you and Barb. -Jolene

    1. Jolene, I do try to treat life as mostly a game. It's hard sometimes, but laughter is the best medicine.

      We thank you so much for your prayers!

  12. Andrew, you are such an inspiration. You and Barb are in my thoughts and prayers, and much as I selfishly look forward to seeing you still here each week, and being encouraged by your sonnets, I second Susan Shipe's comment. (((Hugs))) Grams ❤️🙏

    1. Grams, I truly do love being here every week, and draw so much courage from the Five Minute Friday group. When it's time to go, I will... but I'll be looking over my shoulder.

      ((((Hugs back!))))

  13. Thought I should drop in an say Hi. I don't know how to cheer you up when life is so rough. But I'm glad you're still here. I'm thankful you find things to say. I look forward to reading your posts every week. I've started a new class on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality that's doing me a lot of good. The book has a lot of the greats that are quoted, which I like. Wishing you well, Andrew. Still praying for you.

    1. My dear Norma, seeing you here is a ray of sunshine!

      The class sounds wonderful. I enjoy the greats as well.

      Thank you so very much for your prayers!

  14. You certainly have had an examined life, my friend. Thank you for sharing all that you have learned about life, cancer, death, God, and especially LOVE in this, your examined life.

    1. Karen, that examining of life can be rough, sometimes!

      But it does bring rewards, especially the lessons learned about love.

  15. You are an inspiration in my inbox. For your moments I am grateful, for your years many, many are grateful. God Bless

    1. Janene, wow...I so appreciate this. Kind of overwhelmed!

  16. Your poetry is a gift that has blessed us all. Both on your platform and ours. I've thought alot about death lately. I lost two dear friends last year to COVID and a close friend died last week of cancer. What comforts me is knowing they are now living their best lives. I miss them but I know our separation is temporary. We will meet again. They will give me that grand tour with I get there and we will have a good time in our forever home, forever. Praying for you and Barb. May God bless you with more memory making days and may your transition be smooth. I look forward to meeting you in the sweet bye and by.

    1. Realtalk, I'm so sorry for your losses... we know that those who pass from this life are safe with God in Heaven, but part of our hearts want them safe here with us.

      I think God understands

      We are very grateful for your prayers, and look forward to meeting you as well, in that lovely land of Eternal Dawn.

  17. We want to examine our life once in a while, but oh play, it is so necessary to keep our spirit going. I imagine there will be much playing in heaven. And of course, eating ice cream.

    1. Theresa, as I write this reply, Belle the Wolf (she's mostly timber wolf) and Hazel the Bichon mix are underlining your words, playing beneath my feet. The size difference is about 30-1, and Hazel, of course, dominates.

      Of such things is Heaven made, and yes, ice cream!
