Thursday, September 2, 2021

Of Frying Pans And Fires

So I had a miraculous healing from a wild sudden illness, with a sustained fever of 107...but the cancer is still here.

Wassup with THAT?

I am tempted to irritation (to put it mildly), but unfortunately I'm a Christian, and there is Scriptural precedent to which I must pay heed...

Lord, I know that I've been graced
with healing, but I can hardly understand
why it seems I have been placed
from fire back to frying pan.
You saved me from that raging fever,
107 should have done me in,
and have no doubt, I'm a believer,
but confidence is getting thin.
And then You say You are my Simon,
the Cyrene to help bear my cross,
the strong and proud Judean lion,
broke to burden, bear my loss
and help me with the fatal load
on the Dolorosa Road.

In the absence of music (Blogger won't let me link a video on my phone), here are a couple of things pictures of Sylvia, my blog's public face, on an ice-cream run.



  1. I am glad you are on the mend, though sorry you had to endure the fire and frying pan. Keep the faith!

  2. Oh, I love your thought about Jesus being your Simon, helping you carry your cross. Yes. We are in good company, we have someone who shares our burdens, wherever life takes us. Thank you, Andrew! (Karen, FMF #5)

  3. (((((Andrew)))))

    (((((Barb & Dogs)))))

    Annie in Texas

  4. Appreciate these thoughts and how well you fit them together, Andrew. What a powerful picture. Not alone, ever, are we. And Doubt is a good door, too.

    1. Amanda, thank you so much for this...and, yes Doubt can indeed be a good door.

  5. At this point in your story, I think everyday is a miracle. =)

    Amie, FMF #16

    1. Amie, every day does feel like a Divine gift.

  6. I have to agree with Amie. Hate what you're having to endure, but also selfishly happy every time I see you're still here, blessing us with your words. God isn't done with you yet.
    Visiting from #28

    1. Grams, I hate the process, too, but in a way it is an ally. I have found truths here that the 'old me' could never have discovered, much less understood.

  7. Ice-cream runs are the best! Glad the fever broke, but, yeah, I may have wondered in your situation 'whassup with that' too! Like Amie, writes...everyday is a miracle. You are amazing, too, at putting words together like you do.

    1. Lynn, every day is truly miraculous, and an ice cream run with Syl is the most miraculous of all.

  8. Love the Simon the Cyrene reference! Your poem touched me today more than you can ever know. Thank you.

  9. My word! 107? I cannot even comprehend the misery. Saying a prayer for you today. Visiting from the tell his story link up and want to invite you to link up with grace and truth on fridays at

    1. Lauren, thank you for this. That fever, yeah, it was pretty miserable!

  10. Andrew, this poem . . . I needed the reminder that through life's trials, I never walk them alone. We each have a Burden-Bearer walking alongside us and helping in ways we can't see. I'm continuing to pray for you and Barb, my friend.

    1. Jeanne, that Burden-Bearer is just SO vital!

      We are so grateful for your prayers.
