Thursday, March 4, 2021

I Need Your Advice

 First and foremost, I apologise to those whose comments I have not yet answered from last week. I had rather a bad fall (ironic that last week's post was called Fragility), collected a small refrigerator on the way down, and did myself some damage.

But, onward.

Barb brought up an interesting point last week, that some people get lost in the process pf dying...that is to say that they fall between the cracks of Christian comfort.

Their best days are not ahead, and they know it.

Heaven awaits, but they don't want to go.

Counting their trials as joy...well, uncontrolled vomiting and not being able to breathe...not joy.

And they are afraid.

If I have any kind of ministry at all, it's to such as these.

So I need your help, to give them the green spring hope of today, and of eternity. (And the Five Minute Friday prompt this week is green.)

What on earth does one say?

“You have a future and a hope”,

but Jeremiah gives no answer

to how on Earth I am to cope

with dreadful death from cancer.

“Just think yourself on Heaven's streets,

a white robe and a crown, oh, wow!”

That's great, but how am I meet

the burning hell that is called 'now'?

To count it joy seems like a thought

in which I really should believe,

but I can't do that which I ought

for it's become so hard to breathe.

I'm told in Christ there is no fear,

but I'm afraid, and I am here.

Music from the Electric Light Orchestra, with Mr. Blue Sky, as choreographed to Baby Groot dancing in the opening scene of Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2. (If your device doesn't bring up the video, please click here.)

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. oh Andrew, praying the "God of all comfort" comforts the ALL of you.

    1. Jane, thank you so much. I'm bleeding inside the last few's so hard. I am scared.

  2. Oh Andrew, I don't know if you are lost in the in-between. You just haven't come yet to the point of letting it go. My prayer is that God will bring you a peace as you figure out the letting it go. :)

    1. Annette, today I am lost...had a bad fall, and there is bleeding.

      There is also peace.

  3. Love to you, those with cancer, to Our LORD (He should have been first...sorry typing quickly before I have to get dressed to drive our son to high school at dawn), and to Groot! <3 those characters. Characters I would have never met if I lived alone. But alas I have the blessing of my husband and two sons to keep me hip and cool with adventure! Prayers that you have a day unafraid. Pray the Enemy away. Jesus is SO much stronger! <3 Jenn FMF 4

    1. Jennifer, thank you for Christ is indeed my hope and strength!

  4. Andrew, you and Barb continue to make the most of your time here in ways I truly believe will continue on for a long time. May God bring you comfort and strength and protection as you continue to navigate this difficult journey. Blessings!

    1. Joanne, I am finding that life, more and more, is what one chooses to make of it, whatever the circumstance. And God matches the positive effort!

      Blessings back!

  5. I hope you can feel the presence of God walking with you, hurting with you, grieving with you - along with helping and holding you - in these difficult days. As always, we are praying and sending love.

    1. Karen, I do feel His presence, every day. Couldn't go on without Him!

      Thank you so much for your prayers; love back!

  6. Oh, i wish i knew all things, no,, I wish I knew even a few.. Paul said in Romans 8:36_39 about being pursuaded,convinced, sure, that nothing would separate him from the love of God. He did not say he was not afraid when all these things would try. Be convinced in your fear. "Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief." Dying grace comes in the last moments, not a month before. I think what we fear the most is living. So sorry you fell. Beneath you are His everlasting arms. Love and prayers to you and Barb.

    1. Mary, I think you nailed it, that what we fear most is living. I know I do; this morning, for example, has been really hard, and I dread what may lie ahead.

      I do feel the Everlasting Arms, though, and they are my comfort.

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your fall, but I appreciate the honesty in your poem. Praying you know God's presence strengthening and sustaining you.

    1. Lesley, thank you so much; He is here with me, now and always.

  8. Andrew, sorry, I pressed publish a bit too soon. Maybe the more we are convinced, the less we will fear? Yes it says "fear not" 365 times in the Bible. I guess that is my advice, and for me just as much as for you, my friend.

    1. Mary, no worries...and I think, you're right. Conviction does reduce fear.

  9. Andrew, so sorry for the fall. I wish I had great words to offer but sadly life isn't fair. I know how hard it is for both you and Barb but lean on Jesus because He is there through the valley of the shadow. Take comfort in the fact the He will never leave you or forsake you. Praying for y'all.

    1. Duane, just your being here means the world to me. We do take comfort...ALL Him, and we thank you so much for your prayers!

  10. God bless you, Andrew. Praying for you!!

    1. Deirdre FMF#2. And bless you for that incredible poem.

    2. Deirdre, thank you so much...prayers are so important, and so valued!

  11. Andrew, I have to tell you, I began to be tearful because I didn't know what to reply. I couldn't find words. So I picked up my Bible and in the quiet I prayed. I asked God to help me find what words he wanted me to say. So I opened my Bible randomly, without thought of where I was going. I opened up to Isaiah and my eyes landed on verse 6. This is what it says "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." In a time of darkness God promised to send a light who would shine on everyone living in the shadow of death. Jesus is our message of hope. I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. As always, continued prayers for you and Barb. Blessings.
    Visiting from FMF#11

    1. Paula, I am so moved...and you picked my very favourite chapter from the Bible!

      How cool is that, and how cool is HE!

      And we thank you so much for your prayers.

  12. Your words (not the poem) remind me of the deeply spiritual (sarcasm) honky tonk ballad which says "Lord, I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to go tonight."

    It's so hard to know how to handle death because we only do it once. =)


    1. Amie, it hurts to laugh, but the laugh you gave me here was worth it!

  13. There's only one point I beg to disagree with. This earth is not our home, and for those who have accepted the gift of salvation and received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the best days DO lie ahead.
    At the end of his autobiography, Billy Graham writes, “No, I don’t know the future, but I do know this: the best is yet to be! Heaven awaits us, and that will be far, far more glorious than anything we can ever imagine..." Before he died, he had this to say (it was an adaptation of a DL Moody quote)--"Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it. I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God."
    I'm sorry about your fall. It doesn't seem fair on top of everything else you are going through.
    Continuing to pray for comfort, peace, and that the Lord would take away your fear and give you just a wee glimpse of the indescribable love and joy to come. Praying for Barb as well.

    1. P.S. To answer your question, by being so open and honest about your cancer journey, you are ministering to other fellow sufferers in a way that no one else can. Sometimes what people need the most is to know that they are not the only ones walking this path, and that they are being heard and understood, really understood, and that their feelings are being validated. And you are doing that in a most valiant and encouraging way.

    2. Grams, you're so right, that this is not our home...but it can be so hard to leave, the days, especially now, and just so heart-achingly lovely...

      And thank you so much for the affirmation. I truly want to help, and be be honest, even when it hurts. And sometimes, admitting the truths of my soul really does hurt.

  14. Such a beautiful ministry, Andrew, and you carry it out so well! Praying for you.

    1. Julie, thank you for this, truly. And especially for your prayers!

  15. Hey friend! Life has been crazy and I’ve been MIA from your page for awhile. I’m sorry! The words “do not be afraid” supposedly appear 365 times in scripture. One for every day...I don’t think that’s a coincidence! It gives me hope!

    1. Tara, it is SO GOOD to see you here!!!!!!!

      And the "don't be afraid" thing, that gives me hope, too.

  16. It's been a while since I've visited. You are still here and clinging on. I don't say that tritely. My prayer for you is the cessation of pain and suffering. You've certainly done your part by sharing through gritted teeth what that journey has cost you. You still cling to God. You still challenge me to join in your suffering as a sister in Christ. I do so, reluctantly. I only have one thought. Jesus' cry from the cross echoes in my mind - "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?" Jesus will minister to you in your forsakenness because He knows what you are going through. Thank you for your tenacious faith that clings to Christ.

    1. Vicki, I'm delighted to see you...and I am hanging on. I've outlived my doctor...I used to joke about doing that, but the grief when he died tore my heart.

      The journey's been hard, but I'll keep the messages going to the end, messages of pain and dread and love and hope.

      And, above all, faith.

  17. Andrew - don't waste your energy apologizing for not running all around the internet trying to respond. You are blessing people right here and now in this, your online home.

    Please give yourself grace, space ...

    1. Linda, sear friend, thank you so much for this...I am trying to give myself a place of peace. And Belle the Service Wolf is helping (she's really part wolf!).

      She will nudge me away from the computer when she thinks I've done enough.

  18. Oh, Brother Andrew... you minister to more than the dying. Well - we are all dying... many in pain and in fear... but your words and your fight and your victories big and small - they minister to us all!

    Sorry to hear about the fall. Praying for you, friend!

    1. karrilee, your words are balm, affirmation, and inspiration...thank you so much!

      The fall did damage that continues. But I won't quit, not 'till I am called home.

  19. I don't have an answer (and I know you don't expect me to). I am reminded of my father-in-law, when his physical state was far enough down the road that he was, to my thinking, making a transition. He asked where my mother-in-law (who had been gone for four years or so) was. I don't know what comfort (if any) he found in thinking she was nearby, but that conversation sticks out in my head. Sending you both love and support.

    1. Paula, in answering your comment so late, I have more to I had a near-death experience two days ago.

      Worlds - this one, and the next - mesh in the transition, and there is indeed comfort to be found there.

  20. Andrew, you bring up such good points. There are no easy, pat words someone can speak to another who's grappling with the reality of dying. I love what Great Granny Grandma shared. I certainly can't add to it. But I agree, your words here are a huge ministry, both to those who know their days are numbered and those who aren't living in that reality yet.

    I'm praying for you, friend!

    1. Jeanne, thank you for I mentioned above, I had another near-death experience, much stronger than any previous, and it adds urgency to what ministry I have.

      I thank you so much for your prayers.

  21. Andrew you are such a blessing. Jeremiah 29: 11 is my rhema and it "appears" to me every time I need a reminder of God's faithfulness to me.
    I have no answers except to say that I pray that the God of Love will continue to hold you in His arms.

    1. Corinne, I'm so grateful for this...and I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your prayers.

      God is indeed holding me.
