Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Year Of Missed Opportunity

 So many people are saying Good Riddance to 2020.

But it was just a year; a year that taught us something about ourselves.

Something we maybe didn't want to know.

It slinks away, rejected,

the ugly year that was,

but I think we have neglected

the blessings brought, because

we had thought that we deserved

a blissful upward rise,

Elysium gaily preserved,

and then came the surprise

that nature’s not ours to command,

and nor are human hearts;

these things we did not understand

when all things fell apart

could have kept us safe from harms

had we but leaned into His arms.

Music from Poison, with Something To Believe In.

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Happy New Year, Andrew and Barb. May we resolve that this will be the year we do NOT neglect the blessings brought because we think we deserve a blissful upward rise. Once again, Andrew: Great string of words to give great food for thought.

    1. Susan, thank you so much...and best wishes for 2021 from both of us!

  2. Love this, Andrew.
    Happy New Year to you and Barb!

    1. Thanks, Grams, and Happy New Year right back!

  3. All the deaths aside, you're absolutely right, Andrew! 2020 has been a very encouraging and helpful year. Maybe not warm and fuzzy but surely what many of us needed. The eye-opening perspectives we've needed! Thanks for always bringing greater insight to the troubles we face in life, my friend!

    1. Beth, the wor that comes to mind or me is 'bracing'; I think we needed the shock not only in our assumptions of what life 'hould' be, but also, in the many cases of bureaucratic overreach, just how much power we've ceded to others...who used that power to try to gain more, often by trying to undermine worship, setting rules or churches that were distinct to the institutions, and not required of similar gatherings.

      Thanks so much for being here! Hope 2021 is off to a good start for you!

  4. Andrew, I loved your insights about 2020. I tend toward your way of thinking. There were tough seasons in the previous 365 days. But, we always have a choice in the perspective we view situations through. I had some sweet conversations with my hubs and teenaged sons. We made some fun memories where we could. And, I saw God show up in a number of ways. So, yes, there were good things about 2020, just as there will be in 2021 . . . rain and sun are part and parcel of life.

    Praying for you and Barb, my friend.

    1. Jeanne, I love this...rain and sun are part and parcel of life...just perfect.

      And thank you so much for your prayers!

  5. Amen Andrew, so beautiful and true. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.
