Thursday, October 1, 2020

A Need For Growth

I could write about our country's crying need to grow up for Pete's sake!, but I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon, so I won't.

I could write about the need for spiritual growth when facing terminal cancer...or I could write about the growths (hahaha) in my neck, along my ribs, and elsewhere...but I'll spare you.

Or I could talk about the way in which pain-induced insomnia has helped me grow as a writer.


And so I wrote about hair.

Barb will get a trim today,

but I wish she’d wait a bit,

for she's quite well on the way

to look like Cousin Itt,

that character, high-pitched, hirsute

that you saw on the TV,

and found him so endrearing, cute

on Addams Family.

Barb’s hair grows at pace furious,

with a savage kind of grace

so one will soon be curious

just to see her face.

She’s well along the shaggy road;

right now she’s in Chewbacca mode.

For those who may not recall, Cousin Itt was a rather shaggy chap who usually wore a bowler hat, and spoke in high-pitched gibberish, thus (the videos are really short)...

But there was a time when he stepped out from behind the to speak...

I do try to answer each comment in a timely fashion, but with Internet providers really stretched, I have only about half of the access I once did. Please bear with me!

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Always good to see a post. Blessings

    1. We thank you, Joe. Blessings back!

    2. Can you believe I've never seen The Addams Family?!

  2. Can you believe I've never seen the Addams Family?

    1. Anita, Adams Family should be available as a boxed DVD set, so a treat awaits. Possibly the best sitcom ever!

  3. Aw, yes! So fun. Smiling in California. It's good to smile...

    1. My dear Norma, so glad to give you a smile!

  4. I loved The Addams Family as a kid and so, I do know Cousin Itt :) That means Barb is looking mighty cute these days! I so appreciate that you both still have your humor intact and can make us all smile! Blessings!

    1. Joanne, Addams Family is one of our favourites, too. And yes, Barb is mighty cute!

      Blessings back!

  5. It makes my day each week I see you back for FMF, and that you are still making us smile. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Grams, it makes MY day to see you here!

      I'm so grateful for the prayers.

  6. haha! poor Barbara! Hope she enjoys her new cut! God bless you both, Andrew!

    1. Mariel, yeah, she's down with the new 'do.

      Blessings back!

  7. For heaven's sake, B, go get a haircut!!!

  8. Stellar!! Hair grows too! When a child, (oh, still am), my mother used to listen to Christian radio. Often she would forget to turn the station when Mass came on. I would love to get on my knees and pull my long dark hair over my face, put my glasses over it and walk around reciting the Hail Mary. It would infuriate her. As my hair got shorter, my antics have changed, not disappeared. I like to call it growth, but God still calls me a child,, so I don't know. Love Itt, and thing! Praying as always.

    1. mary, I should NOT have read your comment whilst drinking water! That image, the way you said the Hail Mary...that's so funny!

      Thanks for sharing, and for the prayers.

  9. Thank you for the chuckle! My hair is much the same. Bless you so!

    1. Karen, I'm so glad to give you a laugh...and blessings right back!

  10. Wishing I had a bit of the Cousin It gene. My hair grows at a snail's pace... though it is greying quite quickly. =)


    1. Amie, I'm with you on hair grows slowly, and my beard even more slowly. Tried for the Asian Mountain Man look a few years back, and it took about 18 months for the beard (which came in coal-black) to resemble more than five o'clock shadow.

  11. This did make me chuckle 😊 Loretta

  12. NOW I want to see a before and after pic of your beloved Barb. :)

    1. I would, Annette, but Barb controls the only camera, and guards it like a Scots quartermaster.

  13. I know Barb's pain. I could get a haircut every month...but no one has time (or money) for that! And, so it grows:)

    1. Jennifer, I LOVE this..."...and so it grows."


  14. As a child I had hair down to my waist. My Dad really liked long hair. Probably because my mom was the one who was tasked with the chore of helping me take care of it. My older sister used to call me Cousin It. Your post made me smile. I am praying for you and Barb. -Jolene

    1. Jolene, when barb was a teen (long before we met) she also had waist-length hair. She eventually had it cut, and donated it to a company that made wigs for cancer patients.

  15. The Adams Family was one of our favorites growing up. This was a great reminder to fun times as a kid. Love the clips. Thank you!

    1. Suzette, I'm so glad I could bring back some fond memories!

  16. Stephanie, I'm so glad you enjoyed this...and I did not know there was a musical Addams Family! Thank you!

  17. I've seen your growth as a writer, Andrew, especially with poetry and humor! Barbara aside, both your prose and wit have grown rather shaggy like Cousin Itt! ;-)

  18. Andrew, we've known each other for a while now, and I would say your writing has grown amazingly. You bring such a concise message in your poetry, such honesty, depth, and humor through your words. Thank you for that, my friend. And thank you for the grins with this post an the Cousin It clips. I haven't seen them in YEARS. ;)

    1. Jeanne, thank you so much for these uplifting words (and please pardon my late reply!)

      I'm so glad you enjoyed the post, and the Cousin Itt Clips!
