Thursday, April 30, 2020

Your Dying Spouse 751 - Bring Back The World You Love {Five Minute Friday}

It can be pretty distressing to see, the scowls beneath the masks, the curses mumbled, the angry eyes.

There's bee a lot of good, with people trying to help those less ortunate, keeping neighbours' spirits up.

But there's been a dark side to lockdowns, stay-at-home, and social distancing. I'm sure you've seen it at the grocery, waiting in line for take-out food, and sometimes even in your own home.

And it's up to us to bring back the world we knew.

You can't do it through legislation.

You can't tweet it back to life.

It's only through example, and through love, that care and compassion will return.

To bring back the world you love,
this must be your task;
keep a healing touch through gloves,
and smile beneath your mask.
So many now are stressed and frazzled,
so many lost their certainty,
and in the moment won't be dazzled
by talk of God's eternity.
But ministry, it can go on
through kindly eyes, a wave of hand,
and soon will come another dawn
that you can help bring to the land
sunrise where love again begins,
a daybreak where compassion wins.

Music from Jewel, with Only Kindness Matters.

I do try to answer each comment in a timely fashion, but with Internet providers really stretched, I have only about half of the access I once did. Please bear with me!

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. it's hard sometimes though. I try hard to be cheery when I get out, but when you get an evil glare or three, it tends to put a dampener on one's mood. I need to fight against that tendency...

    1. It is tough, Annette. It feels like an uphill climb.

  2. 😍😍😍 love this. Perfect and so right.

    1. Loretta, thank you so much! (And please excuse my late reply; the cancer thing's really got me on the ropes.)

  3. The one thing I notice in the grocery store, when I go, is the anger and the fear. No, I don't wear a mask and I don't spit or salivate when (if) I speak, but there is no harm in smiling - so I do that a lot.

    1. Susan, you bright and shining smile would lift anyone's spirits.

  4. Andrew, you said it well >> we can surely "smile beneath our masks". And the funny thing is, when we smile beneath our masks, our eyes smile above our masks! I am noticing this more and more. Grateful for those smiling eyes!

    1. Joanne, so true...the smile beneath the mask gives birth to smiling eyes!

  5. A little kindness can make a big difference!

    1. Lesley, you're so right! Just a touch of kindness can change a life...and change the world.

  6. Totally different subject, but I was wondering if you miss writing your former blog posts about the guys in the military? I no longer remember their names. Those posts were pretty unique.

    1. My dear Norma, I do miss those guys! The Viet nam stories will probably be collected in novella form...I hope. I think it was my best work.

  7. Love the poem at the end. I need to print that out to remind myself... Good word. Thank you for sharing. You always give me much to think about.

    1. Thank you so much for this...I'm so glad the poem resonates with you!

  8. Amen! That poem is perfect! Thanks!

    1. Tara, thank YOU! (And I LOVE the pictures you posted in your FMF entry!)

  9. I'm sorry to hear your internet is not working as well as usual, Andrew. That can be even more isolating in this time of isolation. And I'm taking your words about our attitudes during this time of crisis. I find myself getting irritated if and when I go to the store because of how careless people are about following the rules and keeping their distance. But, as you've said, there's a lot of hurt and fear going on in people's hearts now. Now is the time to show them God's love, not my human impatience! Lol! Hugs and prayers!

    1. Beth, yeah, not having the internet can be frustrating...but I'd like to think that the bandwidth is going to people who really need it, with kids at home and needing to work remotely. I'm OK if I can only get on the queue after midnight. Not like I'm going anywhere.

      One of the things I've been thinking about is that it's easy to be harsh with ourselves or being impatient or frustrated...and we shouln't. It's human, and is reflected, I think for our benefit and mercy, in Jesus cursing the fig tree when He was hungry and it had no fruit, and His chasing people around with a whip in the temple. I like to think that was the human side of Him, losing it for a second.

  10. Andrew, this is a timely post and poem. We just need to follow Jesus and be His example to the world. Thanks.

    1. Suzette, thank you so much for just made my day!

  11. Such a good post and poem, and the song is beautiful too.

    1. Great Granny Grandma (love the way that rolls onto the keyboard!) I'm so glad you enjoyed this...and so glad you are with Five Minute Friday. Your writing, it's a keeper.

  12. THANK YOU... Such good words here. It's us. Love this...

  13. Some good words here, my friend. Yes, love is needed. And this: "It's only through example, and through love, that care and compassion will return." It's choosing to love and not judge or condemn, it's choosing to show kindness when we don't want to that will make the difference. Thank you for this reminder. I'm sending prayers and gentle hugs!

    1. Jeanne, it is indeed a is all Kingdom work, I guess. It's not native to our corporeal bodies, and we have to work that it is native to the spirit-folk we will become.

      Hugs and prayers are so appreciated. These days are physically awful.
