Thursday, April 16, 2020

Your Dying Spouse 748 - Rainbow Connection {Five Minute Friday}

The COVID-19 cris will pass, and the world will move on.

But some people won't.

Most of us, we'll have been lucky; we won't have been very sick (if sick at all), we won't have lost a family member or close friend, we'll still have a job, or one to which we can return (and I thank God for President Trump, perhaps the only leader who can rebuild the economy now).

But a lot of lives will have been wrecked, and these folks won't come along for the clmib back into the green, sunlit lands.

And they will be largely ignored; this thing was different.

COVID-19 underscored a common vulnerability. It could strike anyone anywhere.

Those who lost much are an uncomfortable reminder of that, living monuments to there but for the grace of God go I.

We'll want to forget COVID-19, and the threat.

And we'll want to forget the victims, too.

Please don't.

These times will soon be passing,
and the days will promise fair,
but don't forget the lasting
need to love and care
for those whose joy has been suspended,
whose faith's been badly shaken,
whose stable lives have been upended,
whose loved ones have been taken.
They'll live in shadows down the years
when our smaller shades have passed away,
and in their sad vale, long past tears,
they'll need a friend to stop and stay,
not for duty, but by choice
to listen to a grief-choked voice.

I'm almost embarrassed to mention how I'm doing...the problems of one person don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world, after all.

Let's just say things are far worse, leave it at that. Cancer's winning.

Nonetheless, I still believe in rainbows and singing frogs. Won't you, as well?

Please, believe with me.

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Take care of yourself. Look for the rainbow. Good job. Love the song.

    1. Nomad, thank you so much...I will keep looking up, and listening for frogs asinging.

      Thank you or being here!

  2. So true, Andrew. And then there's the people who will suffer later because they are not getting treatment for other conditions now. I suspect my work is going to be very busy. Sadly.
    Pray for us caring for them x
    Btw, love the song

    1. Liz, please pardon my delay in responding - both my own condition and internet issues slowed me down.

      We're praying for you...and so glad you enjoyed the song!

  3. Beautiful Andrew! Remember to love and care. x

    1. Thank you so much, Fiona! It's the vital remembrance. (And please pardon my tardy reply.)

  4. (((((Andrew)))))

    Thank you for your articulation and wisdom. Together they deliver a profound message.

    Annie in Texas

    1. ((((((Annie!))))))

      Thank you so much for these kind words, and for being here...and please ecuse my very late reply.

  5. Thanks for the reminder, Andrew. I hope it doesn't sound trite but cancer only wins the battle not the war. Keeping you in my prayers.

    1. Duane, not trite at all...cancer only does indeed win the battle!

      Thank you so much for your prayers, and please excuse the very tardy reply.

  6. I love that song!! Thank you Andrew for the beautiful poem!! Yes, we cannot forget, and somehow we always do. God keeps giving the opportunity to get it right! He will make all things right soon! And yes, President Trump is doing a fantastic job, in spite of his Nebuchadnezzar aura that has a tendency to flaunt. Praying for YOU! Please God, he has enough on his plate.

    1. I'm so glad you're a fan, too, Mary! It is a great song.

      This is truly in God's hands. We have work to do, but part of that work involves knowing that we have to step aside for Him.

      Thank you so much for being here, and please excuse my late reply.

  7. Andrew, you are so right! We cannot forget. We must choose differently as we move into the future. I pray this eye-opening experience will lead to some much-needed changes in our world. Praying for you right now.

    1. Susan, yes...there is uch we need to change in the world and in our hearts, and I join you in praying that the needed change comes.

      And thank you so much for your prayers on my behalf...and please excuse my delayed response!

  8. Thank you Andrew! I believe with you. Your poetry has been the background for my writing this last year—when my novel comes out (soon) about rainbows and Heaven (forgot the singing frog and it’s too late now) I want to send you a comp copy just for being my favorite poet ever (I’m not that fond of modern verse). We need more classical forms that address todays sufferings and joys. And I agree about President Trump (I am a lone Californian, sympathy please.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Blessings.

    1. wonderful, affirming words have floored me, and I look forward to your novel!

      Being a Californian for Trump is a challenge (it's a bit easier in New Mexico), so you're in my prayers.

      Blessings back!

  9. You have a beautiful soul, Andrew, and it comes through in everything you write. And yes, the problems of one person do amount to a hill of beans. I'm glad you mentioned how you're doing because now I know better how to pray for you. You're my favorite poet ever as well, and I know you have been a blessing and encouragement to many. There are going to be a lot of stars in your crown.

    1. Dear Great-Granny-Grandma...thank you so much for this. I'm just so very honoured by your words!

      And I'm so delighted that you're a part of Five Minute Friday. It's a richer, brighter place, with you there.

      And please forgive my late reply...illness and internet troubles.

  10. P.S. I wanted to visit Marley's page, but when I clicked on the link it said the page wasn't there.

    1. So sorry about Marley's page disappearing...I will check to see where he might be found!

  11. Sorry to hear the cancer is winning. I will also believe in singing frogs and rainbows. ❤Kermit thank you Andrew

    1. Loretta, thank you so much! Kermit's such a comfort.

      And so are rainbows.

  12. May we never forget the victims and all who put their lives on the forefront for others. May you stay in and stay safe. Praying for you and Barb this morning.

    1. Joanne, absolutely! We thank you for your prayers, and pray for your health and safety in all of this.

  13. I’ll believe with you friend. But I’m sad that the cancer is winning!

    1. Tara, it's fun to believe together, isn't it?

      And thank you so much...

  14. Sadly, it seems many of been "forgotten" or at least overlooked during these weeks. Hard life continues..but for many it continues alone. I know many who are facing really hard days right - completely unrelated to covid-19 but somehow overshadowed. Heartbreaking truthfully.

    1. Jennifer, 'the overlooked' are really the great tragedy of COVID-19; suddenly, celebrities who had to quarantine without symptoms are the heroes of the hour.

      And this morning I read that the state of New York has issed DNR guidelines to paramedics for all cardiac patients.

      So sad, and so needful of prayer!

      Thanks so much for being here.

  15. I'm sure that your cancer battle has helped you to put this pandemic in perspective in ways that the rest of us are struggling to do, Andrew. Just this past week the virus took the life of someone I know. He was already struggling with brain cancer, so extra vulnerable, like you. But still it's hard to know his life was cut even shorter by this pandemic. It gets really REAL when the people in your social circle begin to be impacted. Praying you stay safe and far from anyone with the virus, my friend!

    1. Beth, yes, cancer's a real game-changer in terms of perspective. Death is coming; I'd prefer later to sooner, but there's absolutely no choice in the matter...and hence, no anxiety.

      I'm so sorry about the death of your friend; that does indeed make it real.

      Thank you so much for the stay safe, too!

  16. Andrew, thank you for the reminder that not everyone, in fact lots of people, will be forever changed by the impact of COVID19. I appreciate the exhortation to look around me, and not just before to the "green hills", and see who I might minister to when life comes back to some semblance of normal.

    And as always, I continue to pray for you, my friend. Gentle hugs.

    1. Jeanne, my friend, you've got it right;
      what you said, that's the key,
      to bring Jesus' holy light
      to those who need your ministry.

      And thank you so much for the prayers and hugs!
