Monday, January 27, 2020

Your Dying Spouse 725 - Lost and Found

Sometimes you have to wait for things to come back to you.

I found it, yes, I found it,
that which I'd thought lost,
for the search I did not quit,
nor did I count the cost.
I had not felt it steal away,
just knew that it had gone
when every new and precious day
came without a dawn.
But the harder that I sought my goal
the further it would flee,
'till I stopped to wait, and like a foal
it timidly came back to me.
And I found again my fear's surcease
in God's quiet, holy peace.

Music from Mike and the Mechanics, with All I Need Is A Miracle/

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. yep and amen, friend.

    sometimes we don't find what we're yearning for until we are still in God's presence and let Him direct the discovery ...

    1. Linda, absolutely right. That stillness in His presence is vital!
