Thursday, January 30, 2020

Your Dying Spouse 727 - What We Cannot Ask {Five Minute Friday}

We're supposed to take God's plans on faith, and never ask why.

But we do. We always do.

Even Jesus...Why have You forsaken me?

The answer, of course, though it may be hard to take, is that this world is not our 'reward'; the reward comes later.

This is our test, and there's only one question, to which there's only one answer.

Choose Life.

Choose life, even if you're dying. (And the Five Minute Friday writing prompt this week is...wait for

There are times I wonder
why it all went wrong.
What became of summer,
and what became of song?
What of the bright tomorrow,
the bright unfettered sky?
Why did the man of Sorrows
ordain that I must die?
The answer's found at Calvary
three crosses standing tall,
and there is no mystery,
for He explained it all.
How you die is how you live,
and what you gain is what you give.

Music from Mandisa, with He Is With You. God, I need this now. I am so very, very frightened. The tumours are out of control, an beyond repair.

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Replies
    1. Elissa, thank you. He is; I could not get through one hour without Him, even if sometimes He seems distant.

  2. Andrew, I care. Sorry it's so, so, so impossible. Hope Friday is a better day. Praying for you and the family.

    1. My dear Norma, thank you so very, very much. It's bad, but my spirits are still high.

      Has to be God. I'm not that strong!

  3. oh, what an interesting poem. Enjoyed reading that one Andrew. :)

  4. (((((Andrew)))))

    You always manage to summarize a wise thought in your last two lines. What a gift!

    Annie in Texas

    1. ((((((Annie!))))))

      Thank you so much! You just made my day!

  5. May God bless and keep you this day and everyday. You are always posting such encouragement here week after week. Your journey has been long. I pray that you continue to find hope for today. Your FMF friend, Jenn

    1. Jenn, thank you for's friends like you, and comments like yours, that are the wellspring of hope.

      Can't do it alone.

  6. Andrew, He is with you today and every day. I am so grateful God is with us, yes, even when we ask questions of Him. He is so faithful to us, and to you, brother! I am so grateful one day He will make all things right, all things whole, all things as they were meant to be. May He be with you today, giving you strength and filling you with His peace and hope.

    1. Joanne, I LOVE the clear and faith-filled way in which you said this...thank you so much.

      He is here, through words and hearts like yours.

  7. I love this poem! Praying that you know God with you giving you strength and comfort.

  8. The way you encourage us while enduring so much yourself is amazing!
    As a Catholic nun I once knew used to say, "You'll have a high place in Heaven."

  9. Praying for you Andrew. Jesus is with you, even if you cannot see or feel or touch or hear. Pure faith alone and He sees and knows our heart when we question and fear. You have many pray-ers surrounding you.

    1. Mary, thank you so much...God is here, in the prayers of my friends.

  10. Dear Andrew, praying for you (& Barb too; allow her the privilege of caring for you). Sending you a link to "Abide With Me" by Indelible Grace; the old words with a more modern tune. I pray it will be a comfort to your heart.

    Love & prayers,

    1. Kathryn, thank you so much for the is indeed a comfort.

      Love back, from everyone here.

  11. Andrew, I haven't been on FMF since mid-October, but I have not forgotten to pray for you. May God give you grace each day! He is the best, and knows your tiniest need.

    1. Diane, your presence here arms my heart...thank you for being here, and for your prayers.

  12. So true, Andrew! If Jesus felt that way, then how can we think we'll escape those feelings and experiences? Praying for you, friend! Hoping you're enjoying the Superbowl or whatever diversion might take your mind off your pain!

    1. Beth, thank you so much...we did enjoy the Superbowl, and seeing Patrick Mahomes (a dedicated Christian) leading the Chielfs to victory.

      I'm so grateful for your presence here, and for the hard questions you ask on, every week.

      You help me be a better person.

  13. I pray you sense how close the Lord is to you. I can't imagine how hard this would be.

    1. Amy, it is terribly hard, and I can't do this alone...but God is here.

      Thank you so much for being here.
