Thursday, December 19, 2019

Your Dying Spouse 712 - A Christmas Gift {Five Minute Friday}

Christmas came early for Yellow Boy.

He's a little Pittie who's been hanging around, accepting food and water but not letting anyone near.

And this morning he said, the heck with it.

I was outside with a leash, checking his whereabouts prior to walking Denali the Manic Husky, when he came running up and stuck his head through the collar.

Now he's inside, in a quarantine crate (we don't know his background), but he's warm, and his belly is full. As I write this he's trying to stay awake...afraid, I think, that this was all a dream.

It's not, little guy. Merry Christmas!

And for everyone out there in Five Minute Friday Land and beyond, here's my Christmas gift to you.

I think I’ve eaten too much chicken;
their strutting specters haunt my dreams,
there’s been excessive finger-lickin’;
can you, someone, hear my screams?
They crowd around, with sharpened beaks
and eyes aflame from long abuse;
each will find that which he seeks,
a part of ‘human’ he can use.
I say I did not run the fryer,
nor sever wing from juicy breast,
but their icy words are dire:
“You have robbed our very nest.”
I am lost in hell’s worst frights,
beset by hordes of poultrygeists.

Although I'm sorely tempted to offer Rufus Thomas' Do The Funky Chicken, insted the musical accompaniment will be from the Goo Goo Dolls, with my favourite Chritmas song, Better Days.

Thanks to Carol Ashby, Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart is back on Kindle, and will be available in paperback soon.

Friends are everything. I couldn't have done it.

Marley, the canine waif from Afghanistan, whom WE helped save, has a Facebook page! Please drop by to see how happy he is today.

Below are my recent releases on Kindle -please excuse their presence in the body of the blog. I haven't the energy to get them up as 'buttons' in the sidebar. You can click on the covers to go to the Amazon links.


  1. Dear Andrew Sir,
    I hope this finds you well.
    The heart may start to swell...
    Because Christmas time is here...
    There are people here and there.
    Your music spoke to my ears...
    a sound for all the years.
    Better days are coming soon!
    Jennifer, FMF Neighbor this week
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Jennifer, this is such a gift...and you HAVE such a gift, and a way with words!

      Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. (((((Andrew)))))
    (((((Yellow Boy)))))

    Sweet dreams!

    Annie in Texas

    1. ((((((Annie!))))))

      Sweet Chritmas dreams to you!

  3. Dearest Andrew, Barbara too
    I'd love to dance the funky chicken with you
    Another dog, alas, a stray
    Has found a place, a brand new way.
    Another trip around the sun
    With Christmas Joy and a bit of fun.
    Your poems are many and quite profound
    For your many friends and your pack of hounds.
    Merry Christmas Andrew and B
    Laughter and Love are prayed for thee.


    1. Susan, this is just so lovely. Thank you!

      We wish you guys the most wonderful Christmas. XOXOXO

  4. Love your poem, Andrew! "poultrygeists" lol Thanks for giving me a laugh today. Also, I love the song. Thank you for sharing it.
    Joy can still be found even when life is hard, even when we hurt, even when we grieve the loss of a loved one. Our joy is in Christ, our Savior! Much love with hugs and blessings to you, Barb and the whole canine gang. xo

    1. Gayl, I'm so glad you enjoyed the poem, and it gave you a laugh. I had fun writing it.

      You're so very brave, and you are such an inspiration. You're in our prayers, dear Gayl.

  5. Your poem brought a smile to my face!

    Glad Christmas came early for Yellow Boy. God bless you all!

    1. So glad to give you a smile, Jerralea!

      Blessings back...and Yellow Boy is now oficially Roscoe. He likes his new name, and his new home.

  6. I'm so glad you have a new dog, especially since you lost one a while ago. This is a special Christmas gift for you.

    1. Jan, he surely is a gift. When Humphalump died, he was the last of our Pits and one of our few remaining boys, and I reflected on that.

      And God was listening.

  7. Christmas blessings to you, to yours ... and all the gang, Andrew!

    1. Blessings back, Linda...and know you are a HUGE blessing in our lives!

  8. I think it is quite a funny thing to watch a small one try to stay awake whether the fellow or lass be a canine or a child. It is somewhat comforting to know that the fear of missing something crosses species. Poultrygiests made me laugh, I am praying for you and Barb! -Jolene

    1. Jolene, you're so right. Yellow Boy - now Roscoe - is in a quarantine crate by my bed (until we're sure there are no health issues), and he still does the nodding dog thing, trying to stay awake.

      Many thanks for your prayers, and we do pray for you and yours.

  9. OH happy day for yellow dog. The poem...I laughed, my boys GROANED. :)

    1. Annette, I am so glad for the laughs and the groans!

      Yellow Dog is now Roscoe, and he is SO HAPPY to be inside, loved, and warm.
